Chapter 24

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The dryer buzzed, and I pulled my warm clothes out into the white plastic basket. Setting it aside, I began taking the load out of the washer and transferring it over.

Tori walked in behind me. "Oh, thanks! You didn't have to do that."

I shrugged. "I wanted to. What settings should these be on?"

"Delicate, please."

Twisting the knobs to the appropriate placements, I shut the door and started the cycle.

"Are you sure you have to wait for your 12:30?"

Tori nodded, loading their next batch of clothes into the washer. "It's her first tattoo. We've spent weeks working out the placement and design, and she just doesn't feel comfortable having it done by anyone but me."

"You've gotta admire the loyalty."

Tori smiled.

"So," she changed the subject, "how are you feeling about making the drive with Dwayne?"

I chuckled, "If we can survive that much time in a car together, then I think we might just have a chance."

"You know, you didn't say much about your date. Want to talk about it?"

I turned, leaning against the dryer, feeling the conflicting emotions warring within me.

On the one hand, I could absolutely use a friend to act as a sounding board right now. On the other hand, the time we'd spent up in that suite was too private, too intimate to share...

"I, uh... I kind of thought I was ready for something that I wasn't actually ready for, and I ended up freaking out a little," I danced around the embarrassing details. Tori didn't need to know whole story. "Dwayne was really sweet about it."

"He seems like a good guy."

I smiled, half to myself. "He is..."

The next morning, with my bag packed and the office set back to rights, I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, overthinking my appearance.

I was going for casual, but I didn't know if I could be casual around this man given where his tongue was yesterday afternoon.

Jess walked past, catching me in my paralysis.


I turned to her, biting my lip. "How do I look?"

She scanned me up and down, then shrugged. "You look cute," then her eyes narrowed, and she asked, "Why are you acting like a tween getting ready for her first date?"

I shook my head. "I'm just nervous. Do you think he'll like it?" I twirled, modelling the outfit I'd spent way too long picking out.

"This man chased you across two cities and a state. You could wear a potato sack and he'd drool."

Glancing in the mirror, I ran a hand over my hair, wondering if I had time to throw on some makeup.

"I take it you've warmed up to him?"

Chuckling, I nodded. "You could say that."

Jess smiled. "I'm glad."


"Yeah. You were so scared when you came here, like a trapped rabbit." She shrugged, "Confident and self-possessed suits you a lot better."

I smirked. "Are you getting mushy on me?"

"It's your damned cooking. I wouldn't have gotten so attached if you hadn't fed us so well."

Chuckling, I picked up my purse. "So, my scheme worked?"

"Yes, you minx. Now, when's this man of yours coming to pick you up?"

I glanced at my phone. "Basically any time now. I think he might have gotten caught in traff-" I cut off when my phone buzzed.

Opening the message, I read: "Downstairs. Parked illegally – maybe hurry?"

Grinning, I went to pick up my duffel bag before Jess stopped me. "I've got it."

"You're sure?"

"Yep. I want to meet the infamous 'Dwayne'."

Down on the sidewalk, the infamous Dwayne lounged against the car, looking effortless and delectable.

I turned to introduce Jess to him, but found her standing just beyond the door, stunned.


"Could you come here, Lauren?"

Concerned, I walked over to her. "What is it?"

Jess pointed toward the car. "Is that an Acura NSX?"

Glancing behind me, I looked at the markers on the trunk. "I guess?"

"Lauren-" her voice was strangled, pitched higher than I'd ever heard it. "My gearhead brother has wasted years of my life talking about the cars he's gonna buy when he gets the money. Like that one." She nodded toward the vehicle idling by the curb, "That car? That car costs two hundred THOUSAND dollars. You stole THAT car?"

I froze, all the blood draining from my face. Turning to Dwayne, I said, "Two hundred thousand dollars?"

He smiled, sheepish. "When I got into grad school, I promised myself that I'd buy a nice car as soon as I could reasonably afford it. It's the only thing that got me through my MBA."

"Nice?" Jess walked forward, admiring the sleek, grey automobile. "Good sir, you have taste and a talent for understatement."

He grinned and held out his hand. "I'm Dwayne."

She took it and shook it. "Jess."

"Good to finally meet you. I've wanted to say thanks for taking care of Lauren."

"Well, thanks for inviting us out to stay – it's very generous of you."

"It's really no trouble; that suite isn't booked for another month."

"Still, thank you."

He glanced over at me. "So, are you ready to hit the road?"

I smiled, enjoying the feel of his eyes on me. "Yep."

Walking over, he took my bag and placed it in the trunk while I said my goodbyes to Jess.

"Okay," she muttered low so he couldn't hear, "he has my tentative approval – but let me know if he tries anything funny – I know how to hide a body."

I giggled, "You're scary, and I appreciate you. Drive safe?"

She smirked. "You too." 

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