Chapter 4

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Evan stepped into his Alpha's office, marshalled by Rob.

From behind the desk, Howard motioned with the hand not holding his phone, "Sit."

Evan took one of the straight-backed wooden chairs, trying to keep his face composed.

Howard pulled the phone away from his ear, stabbing his finger at the screen.

Road noise erupted from the speaker.


"You're on speakerphone, Dwayne."

"Is he there?"

Evan looked up, and Howard met his gaze. "He's here."

Skipping the formalities, the man on the other end of the call demanded, "Where is she going?"

Evan felt the stares of his uncle and his alpha. "I don't know."

The voice took on a gruffer tone. "Howard, I'm going to need you to-"

"Don't bother," Evan interrupted. "I told her not to tell me."

Gruff became a growl. "You spoke to her?"

"She called twenty minutes ago."

"And?" the voice demanded.

"And she wants some time to think."

"What else?"

Evan bit back his anger. "Nothing that concerns you."


He snapped. "Don't 'boy' me you son of a bitch! I just had to break up with the girl I wanted to spend my life with all because you can't fuck someone your own age!"

"...if I ever get my hands on you-"

"You know what? Please do. Book a flight. Come on out here so you can choke on my dick!"

"Evan!" Howard thundered.

He didn't listen, instead standing up and storming out. He felt his skin prickling with the visceral need to grow fur and shift.

Pulling his shirt off, Evan walked straight toward the tree line. The past six hours had been a nightmare, and more than anything he craved the bliss of not having to fucking think.

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