Chapter 14

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I stepped out of the car with a quick, "Thank you" for my driver.

Outside the brick rowhouse, I saw the lights on in Jess and Tori's bedroom. No doubt the two were either in bed or getting ready for it.

Not wanting to disturb them, I set my stuff down next to the door and pulled out my phone.

The number I dialed was long overdue.


"Hi Mom."

"Honey, where are you?"

"I'm safe. I'm in Baltimore, and I'm staying with some friends."

"Oh, thank God-"

"I'm sorry I didn't call earlier."

"I'm just glad you're okay."

"How are things there?"



"Your father isn't overjoyed... "

"Yeah, I got his messages."

"Alpha Caroline isn't either."

"I didn't ruin the deal, did I?" Caroline had invited Dwayne down to negotiate some sort of business deal or trade agreement between our packs. I hadn't paid too much attention at the time, unaware that this mundane visit would dramatically alter the course of my future.

"No, no honey – it's fine. You didn't ruin anything."

Pausing, I glanced down at the duffel bag. "I got my stuff – thank you for packing it."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I met with Dwayne for dinner."


I took a breath, "And he's not as scary as I thought he was, but I'm still not sure what I want to do."

"You know that whatever you decide, we support you?"


"Your father will come around."

I wasn't so sure. Dad and I hadn't seen eye-to-eye on damn near anything since I was sixteen. He didn't like me spending so much time with Evan. He didn't approve of me going to culinary school. And, based on what he'd sent, he sure as hell wasn't psyched about me committing grand theft auto.

"If you say so."

Mom lowered her voice. "Did you find your passport?"

"I did – thank you!"

"I figured if it comes down to it, you'd need a getaway – also, if you need more money, just let me know, I'll send a money order."

"I've got money, Mom-"

"Enough for a transatlantic flight?"

I looked up at the night sky, biting my lip as my eyes welled up. Mom always had my back.

"I think so?"

"Don't be shy. If you decide that you want out, say the word and I will get you out."

A tear slipped down my cheek. "I will."

"Lauren, your father..."


"...he doesn't understand. It's different for men – they think about mating, and all they see is a pretty girl that they're going to love for the rest of their lives. They don't get the fear – they don't know what it's like to be suddenly tied to a stranger and be terrified because you don't know what kind of person they are."

"Was that what it was like with you and dad?"

"Yes," she admitted. "We met and all I could think about was how my life was over, I was going to have to leave my family and be at some man's beck and call."

"But you didn't."

"He chose to stay with me. I underestimated him, and he turned out to be so much more that I could have hoped for."

I shook my head, "Living at home's not really an option for me, Mom. I don't think Dwayne is going to give up running his pack to move in with us."

"Living at home is always an option for you; I don't care what anybody says."

"You're sure?"

"Positive, baby. But, Lauren, I need you to do me one favor."


"Give him a chance. I know you weren't thrilled when you found out it was him, but he could surprise you if you let him."

I thought about dinner, about his scent, the sound of his voice, about the feeling of his eyes on me...

Oh, Goddess...

"Okay." My voice was small, even a little afraid.


"Sorry, it's been a long day. I think I should get to bed."

"Okay, hon. Keep me updated?"

"I will."

"And Lauren?"

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Forget to call me again and we're going to have words about it."

"Yes, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Sleep well."


I ended the call, hand shaking as I slid my phone into the pocket of Tori's jacket. Heart racing, I tried to calm my breathing as the realization hit me like a freight train.

I want him to touch me.

I want to know what he tastes like.

I want to go to bed with him...

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