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Several years later...

I sat cross-legged on the floor of our walk-in closet, surrounded by clothes and utterly miserable.

"Hon? You ready to go? We're going to be late!"

Picking up one of my newer dresses, a lightweight, peach colored shift, I held it to the light before flinging it across the small room.

Frustrated, I felt hot tears streak down my face.

I didn't hear footsteps on the stairs, but I looked up as Dwayne paused in the doorway, eyes taking in the chaos.


I sniffled, and my voice broke. "I don't have anything to wear..."

Stepping over the piles, he sat down behind me, pulling me into his arms. "What about that blue dress? I thought you looked amazing in that."

Suddenly furious, I wiped my nose on the back of my hand. "I did not."

Footsteps rounded the corner.

"Hey, what's the hold up?"

Evan's eyes widened as he saw the state we were in.

"The hold up?" Fresh tears spilled over my lower lids. "The hold up is that I have never felt less attractive in my life!" Tears blurred my vision, and I sobbed, "I'm fat and disgusting and nothing fits right!"

Dwayne hugged me close to his chest. "Baby..." His hand lowered to caress my rounded belly, where our first pup was growing.

Evan sank onto his knees before me, reaching out for my hands. "Laur, you are none of those things-"

Pushing away from Dwayne, I stood. "No – absolutely not! You bastards are the ones who got me like this!"

I watched as Evan shot Dwayne an amused glance.

"'We' did this?" Evan smirked as he rose from the floor.

"Who else?" I spat. "If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't look like this-"

"Did you hear that, Evan? She thinks this is our fault." Dwayne's voice came from close behind me, and I shivered as I felt his breath on my neck.

Turning, I glared at both of them as they backed me into the corner. "I'm serious. I'm never letting either of you touch me ever again."

Evan leaned in, eyeing my undressed body. "Lauren, you're forgetting something."

"What?" I snarled.

Grinning, he turned to Dwayne. "You remember, right?"

"Oh, vividly."

My cheeks burned as I lied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"So, you don't remember begging for it?"

A furious blush covered my skin.

"How could you forget?" Dwayne's voice was a silken seduction, "You did it so many times; In our bed, in the shower, bent over the kitchen table-"

I glowered at both of them.

The worst part about having two mates?

Having them gang up on you.

"Now," Dwayne tugged me into his embrace, lowering his lips to my ear. "Are you going to get dressed, or do we have to prove to you exactly how sexy you are?"

Pressing my lips into a thin, annoyed line, I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

Dwayne smirked, "Good. Tori and Jess will kill us if we're late."

Evan bent over and picked up the peach shift, "Here. Wear this one."

I groused, "It makes me look like I'm wearing a tent."

Leaning in to kiss my cheek, he assured me, "It makes you look like the beautiful auntie of three gorgeous little girls."

"A title you're going to lose if we miss this naming ceremony." Dwayne added.

Snatching the dress out of Evan's hands, I tugged it over my head, letting the flowy fabric settle around my knees. "You've made your point. Now, let's see if I can find a pair of shoes to fit on my stupid, swollen feet."

Sitting between Dwayne and Evan, I watched as Georgia, the Elder in charge of rituals, presented the newest member of the Sweetwater pack.

Jess stood radiant next to Tori as they listened to the white-haired woman speak the traditional words.

Baby Isabella lay against Tori's chest, sleeping soundly, unaware that all of these people had gathered to welcome her into the world.

Her older sisters, Abigail and Evelyn, sat in the front row, one next to Steve and the other squirming on his lap.

As my eyes filled with tears, I felt a fluttering in my abdomen.

Placing my hand over the sensation, I whispered, "That's your cousin, Baby. You guys are going to grow up together."

There was another tickle within me, and I frowned. "I know." Sighing, I rubbed my hand over my stomach, "I'm sorry I was upset earlier. Pregnancy hormones really mess with your head."

A tear slipped down my cheek, and I smiled. "I can't wait to meet you."

And then I felt Dwayne's arm wrap around my shoulder. Turning first toward him and then toward Evan, I found my mates watching me, eyes so full of love it made my heart ache.

Taking their hands in mine, I placed them on my belly, letting them feel the life that we had made.

Our pup.

Our family.

My lips curved into a gentle smile as I thought about the future I'd had planned out all those years ago, before I'd met Dwayne.

And, as we sat there in the warm, June sun, I knew...

This was so much better.

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