Chapter 23

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"You've never done this before, have you?"

Wordlessly, I shook my head.


My attention fell back down to his groin, and my thoughts ran in an endless loop of itwon'tfit itwon'tfit itwon'tfit -

Dwayne pulled a pillow over to cover himself, but my gaze was fixed in place.

I didn't hear anything until he took my chin, saying, "My eyes are up here, young lady!"

Forcing my gaze away from his hips, I looked at him.


Disappointment, shame and humiliation washed over me. Covering my face with my hands, I muttered, "Oh, God. I ruined it."

I tried to heave myself off of the bed, but Dwayne's arms caught me and pulled me down against his chest.

"Fuck! I ruined it..." I wanted to sob, to scream, but more than anything I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

"You didn't ruin anything." He rocked me against him, soothing caresses running up and down my spine.

"God damnit – I'm sorry! I – I panicked. It's too big – there's no way that's going to fit-"

Dwayne pressed his lips to mine, effectively shutting up my rambling.

When he broke the kiss, he looked me in the eyes.

"First thing; My cock isn't going inside of you until you're good and ready to take it. Second thing; when you are ready, it will fit just fine. Third thing; You didn't ruin anything."

Blinking away tears, I slumped against him, defeated and miserable.

"Lauren?" His fingers toyed with my hair. "Talk to me."

"I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet."


"How? I was the one who asked for this, and then I punked out at the last second."

He chuckled, "I've never had someone call panicking at the size of my dick, 'punking out'."

"Do you often have people panicking at the size of your dick?"

"No," he admitted, "but I have to say – it's a huge ego boost."


"It's alright – really."

I buried my face against his chest. "Really?"

"Really. I've had blue balls before, and it hasn't killed me yet."

I pulled my head up. "Look, you don't have to – I could still-"

"Lauren," he interrupted, "Seeing my penis just sent you into fight-or-flight mode. The moment's passed. I'm not mad, but it's passed."

I sighed, and he pulled my head down to kiss my forehead.

We stayed like that for a while, me cradled against his chest, his fingers tracing idly across my skin.

"So, while we're here-"

I snorted. "'While we're here'?"

"Hush." He continued, "I wanted to make a proposition."

"What proposition?"

"I'm getting sick of the city, and I feel like you are too. How would you feel about coming up to visit my pack?"

What? I raised my head to look at him.

"I called Bryan while we were at the beach; one of the suites at the resort is free. You and your friends could come out for the week, enjoy the amenities, and we," he tucked some of my hair behind my ear, "could see where this goes."

I pressed my lips together, thinking of my recent failure.

"I can't promise anything."

"I'm not asking you to." He stroked my cheek. "Look, at the very least you'll be able to decide if you could see yourself living there."

Stalling, I asked, "What's it like?"

"Quiet. Calm. There's plenty of room to run, and very few humans."

"Really?" I'd expected a resort to be crawling with them.

He nodded. "When I took over, we changed our business model. We'd been failing when we were catering to humans, but once we started cultivating a lycanthrope clientele, things started taking off."

I felt curiosity take root within me. A werewolf-centric resort?

"Can I have a day to think about it?"

"Take all the time you need."

I walked into the apartment after Dwayne dropped me off, and instantly I knew Jess and Tori could smell him on me.

They shared a glance, and then Jess chuckled, asking, "So, how'd the date go?"

I flushed from head to toe. "Um... well. It went well."

Tori snorted, walking back to the bathroom. "Clearly."

I stepped out of my shoes, "So..."

"'So' what?" Jess asked.

"Would you guys be able to take a week off of work?"

Jess frowned, "What? Why?"

"His pack owns a resort in the Finger Lakes, and he invited us out for the week."

"A week?"

I nodded. "In a suite, apparently."

Jess glanced down the hall to where Tori was standing, "Hon, what do you think?"

"I think we need to start packing. You can reschedule your appointments, right?"

"For a free week in a resort suite? I'm willing to tell my clients to go to hell."

"Let's not go that far, okay babe?"

Jess tapped her foot, "We'll need a cover story. I'm thinking family emergency – Dad collapsed and we're going out to support Mom while he's in the hospital?"

Tori grinned. "I love the way you think on your feet. You start calling, I'll grab the suitcases?"

I watched this exchange, amused. "I'll let Dwayne know we're in."

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