Chapter 36

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After lunch, we went back up to the suite to change and I returned downstairs wearing one of Jess's bikinis under my clothes.

Outside, the warm June sun beat down on us as we followed the landscaped walk out to the pool.

Well, "pool," was underselling it.

First, there were two actual pools along with what looked like two sunken hot tubs.

Second, one of the "pools" looked more like a miniature water park, complete with waterslides, diving boards and a shallower play area overrun with screaming children.

The other pool was calmer, with a swim up bar and an infinity edge that went right up to the lake itself.

Tori and Jess led the way, depositing their stuff on a pair of umbrella-shaded lounge chairs, leaving me to claim the last of the trio.

Divesting myself of my outerwear, I folded the shirt and shorts and hid my phone between them.

Modesty wasn't really a feeling that I was familiar with, not as a woman who regularly stripped naked in the open air and shifted into a four-legged creature.

Even so, there was a part of my brain that was acutely aware that I was surrounded by members of my mate's pack wearing what was basically neon lingerie.

Making a great first impression here, Lauren.

I walked into the adults-only pool, grateful as the water began to cover what my "clothing" wouldn't.

Wading over to the edge, I lifted my sunglasses to the top of my head, sweeping my eyes over the sight before me.

Yesterday's haze had burned away, leaving the view of the verdant hills clear and pristine to my eyes.

"Man, I missed this."

Turning my head, I saw Jess's bleached blonde hair and broad smile.


Jess explained, "My pack's down near Table Rock Lake in the Ozarks. Our Den is right on the waterfront, and as a kid I used to spend entire summers swimming out there."

"Sounds nice."

"It is, if you can stand the people."


She frowned. "It's not the whole pack, but the previous Alpha was a self-righteous blowhard, and his son grew up knowing that he was going to take over the position one day, so you can guess what he was like."


She chuckled, "You want to know the best part?"


Jess quirked an eyebrow. "That entitled little prick is my cousin."


"Yep. I had to grow up with him and his sister, Natasha, lording it over me." She scoffed, "Like I gave a shit that I wasn't going to be the leader." Shaking her head, she continued, "Nah. Getting out of that cesspit was the best thing I ever did. Aside from meeting Tori, of course."

Her mate appeared behind her with two drinks in her hands. "Damn right."

Turning, I stopped when I saw the frozen swirl of red and white in her glass.

My eyes were riveted on it as I asked, "What is that?"

Tori held her drink up, appraising it. "Apparently it's a 'Miami Vice'. Half piña colada, half strawberry daquiri."

"Oh, hell yes."

I knew I needed to stop when I'd lost count of the number of drinks I'd downed, but as I lounged against the lip of the pool like a cat in a sunbeam, I couldn't muster the energy to care.

"I can't tell if I'm slurring because my tongue is numb or because I'm drunk. Is that a bad thing?"

"Depends." Tori answered next to me. "Do you have to drive anytime soon?"


"Then who cares?"

Jess giggled, the sound muffled as she lay against Tori's chest, her legs wrapped around Tori's waist. "We're druuunk."

First impressions, Lauren.

"...I think I'm going to go grab a water. You guys want anything?"

Jess's head popped up, "Let's get another Miami Vice up in this bitch!"

Tori shook her head. "Waters, please."

As I waded over to the bar, I called behind me, "Be right back!"

Yvonne, the bartender on duty, greeted me as I neared. "Another round?"

The woman, yet another member of Dwayne's pack, was doubtless forming opinions about her Alpha's new mate, and I hoped that I hadn't embarrassed myself too badly.

Ruefully, I shook my head, "No, I think it's time for us to call it a day. Could we get some waters, please?"

"Sure thing!"

Walking back over to our spot, I watched as Tori held Jess close, rubbing a hand slowly up and down her spine.

I knew that Jess was worried about Tori. I also knew that she knew Tori better than I could ever. Still, I hoped that she was wrong.

And, as I watched the care with which Tori held her mate, I felt a faint rush of longing.

I wish Dwayne was here.

Imagining what it would feel like, me curled up against him as he caressed me, my body clinging to his naked torso...

Dinner couldn't come soon enough.

Setting the glasses on the pool's edge, I picked up mine and took a long swallow of icy coldness.

Next to me, Tori glanced over, "By the way, I don't think we ever thanked you for the invite."

Frowning, I asked, "What do you mean? You two did so much for me, I wanted to pay you back."

"I mean you could have invited your family or your friends from back home-"

I cut her off with a chuckle, "Making a lot of assumptions there, Tori."

"I am?"

Leaning against the pool, I sighed. "You have to understand, my pack is really small. There weren't any other pups my age, not until Evan came, so..." I don't really have other friends.

The unspoken words hung heavy between us.

Tori's eyebrows raised. "Oh."

I rushed to explain, "It's not like I didn't have anybody, it's just that all of my girl friends were human and, well, those friendships can't really last when you're one of us." I shrugged, "I mean, how could I explain that I'm up at a resort trying to decide whether or not I want to marry a man I met a week ago?"

Tori cocked her head to the side. "You really weren't kidding when you said Evan was your best friend, were you?"

I shook my head. "He is my best friend. He's also kind of my only friend..."

Jess's hand reached out and landed sloppily on my shoulder. "Hey. We're friends, kiddo. Don't forget that."


Tori nodded. "There's no getting rid of us now."

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