Chapter 20

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The ride back to the Ivy was quieter than the ride out. We'd stayed at the park for another hour, wandering the walking trails, strolling along the beaches, and idly talking about everything and nothing.

And, all the while, his hand stayed in mine.

I couldn't explain it. Here I was, a grown-ass woman, and my heart was doing somersaults over the simple act of holding his hand.

Goddess, what would sex with him be like?

I couldn't let myself think about that, and at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about it.

It wasn't until he lowered his window that I remembered he could smell what was happening to me.

"Lauren, unless you want me to pull over and have my way with you, I'm going to need you to stop."

I snapped my legs shut while my face burned to cinders from embarrassment.

"Sorry. Fucking mate bond."

He chuckled, darkly. "Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining, it's just that my self-control only goes so far."

I snorted. "Farther than mine, apparently."

He stroked my thumb with his. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head. "No. I mean-" I bit my lip, "I'm trying to be mature and responsible and level-headed about this," I sighed, "and then my wits go out the window 'cuz you held my hand, and suddenly I can't think about anything but how it would feel to lick my way up your goddamned tattoos..."

Dwayne gave out a strangled, choking sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a gasp.

I turned to him, "Look, apparently I've got a thing for tattoos – don't judge, I'm being vulnerable-"

"I'm not – I'm not. It sounds amazing, and I'd be happy to let you do it." Then, he added, "When you're ready, of course."

Ready? Looking away, I frowned. If the feeling between my legs was any indication, I was more than ready.

What the hell am I waiting for?

His hand squeezed mine. "If you want to wait, we'll wait. I'm patient."

My gaze snapped to him, eyes wide, "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yep." He nodded.

"Shit!" I sank down into the seat, willing myself to disappear.

Smirking, he brought my hand up to his lips. "Baby, you're precious; take all the time you need."

The contrast between his soft lips and his abrasive stubble set my libido aflame.

"Do I need to take time, though?"

He didn't answer, just glanced over, curious, before returning his attention to the road.

"I'm serious. If we're this attracted to each other - if we're supposedly made for each other, then, I don't know, shouldn't we test that?"

"Test it?"

I shrugged, feigning nonchalance, "Go to bed. See if this mate bond is all it's cracked up to be."

A muscle in his jaw ticked, and he seemed to choose his next words carefully.

"I'm not exactly unbiased here, Lauren..."

"Yeah, but it's your dick I'm thinking about riding, so your input would be appreciated."

In a flash, he released my hand, downshifting as he pulled to the shoulder and put on the flashers.

Setting the car to park, he turned to me, looming over the gearshift.

"My input? You want my input? Okay – I've been dying to fuck you since the moment we met. There's nothing that I'd like more than to take you up to my suite and spend the next several hours making you scream my name."

I stared into his eyes, feeling the heat of his desire scorch me, leaving me breathless.


A new, dangerous edge entered his voice. "Okay?"

"Okay. But, I promised Jess and Tori that I'd make steaks, so I don't know if 'hours' is really in the cards."

Settling back into his seat, Dwayne shifted and signaled, pulling us back into traffic. "They can get takeout."

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