Chapter 17

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After dinner, I cleaned up and then stepped out to clear my head. I didn't really have a destination in mind, but my feet wound up following a path that was becoming familiar and taking me down to the waterfront.

The scene down at Fells was a lot quieter than it had been on Friday night or Saturday morning. Avoiding the bars, I crossed the street to watch the harbor's waters move in the slight breeze. The sun was setting, painting the sky and the waves with a beautiful golden hue. I watched as it grew orange, then magenta, and then faded to a deep, inky black.

You're about as calmed down as you're going to get.

Sighing, I reached for my phone. Ignoring the notifications, I called Dwayne.


"I told you to stop chasing me, and then you turned around and roped your brother into helping you chase me."

"I know – it was stupid. For what it's worth, he didn't tell me- "

I cut him off. "I know."

"You know?"

"He wouldn't. I'm not mad about that. I'm mad because you asked him."

"I'm sorry, really. I wasn't thinking straight, and I went too far."

"I can't be with somebody who refuses to respect my wishes."

"I understand."

My voice lowered as I eyed some humans walking nearby, "And don't give me any of that 'mate bond' crap. I can live without you, and if you try any shit like this again, I will."

He paused. ", you're saying- "

"I'm giving you one more shot. You pull another stunt like this, and I'm out."

"I won't – I promise."

Looking up, I sighted the first faint stars in the night sky. "Lunch. Tomorrow. I'll meet you at The Ivy. Best behavior still applies."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

Walking back into the apartment, I looked up and saw Steve. He was talking with Jess and Tori, and when he saw me, he gestured to the six-pack he'd brought.

"Atonement. For taking a bad situation and making it worse."

"It's fine. I talked to Dwayne – you're forgiven."

Jess glanced over, "You talked? And?"

"And he promises to knock off the creep shit."

"Well, that's good." Tori turned to Steve. "So? Are you gonna tell her?"

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"What I was going to tell you before you hung up."


"Dwayne called me last night, after you two had dinner."


"He figured out that we'd met, that I knew where you were holing up."


"He wasn't trying to track you down. He didn't even ask me for the address. He just wanted to know you were safe, and what kind of people you were with."

Oh. The simmering anger inside me cooled. "Okay, that's slightly less creepy."

"-but still creepy." Jess interjected.

"I mean-" I began.

"Look," Jess continued, "he might have had good intentions, but it's still a bunch of caveman bullshit. If he wanted to know if you were safe, he could have asked you."

I nod. "He did ask me."

"See!" Jess looked over at Steve, "It might be a lesser sin than being a stalker weirdo, but he still ignored her wishes and didn't trust her judgment. I wouldn't let him off the hook yet."

Taking the six-pack from Steve, I set it in the fridge. "Is he normally like this?" I asked.

"No, I know that finding your mate can be really stressful, but chasing you all the way from West Virginia? Recruiting help to find you? It's really out of character for him."

"Well," Tori started, "she did steal his car."

Steve spun to face me. "You what?"

I shrugged, "It just kind of happened!"

His jaw dropped open, "How?"

"I had just come back from a run, still shifted, and suddenly there's this massive guy coming at me with Goddess knows what intentions, and, oh yeah, he's also my mate? The door was unlocked, the keys were in it, and I was panicking!"

Steve's shock gradually morphed into glee. "I'm never gonna let him live this down!"

"Steve-" I started.

"It's my right as the younger brother – I grew up in his shadow, so I get to tease him mercilessly."

"If you say so."

"I do." He smirked. "Anyway, I really need to go home and get some sleep while I can. I just wanted to drop by to apologize and explain."

"Thanks, Steve."

"Hey, Lauren?"


He sighed. "As much as it pains me to say it, Dwayne's actually a pretty decent guy. Give him a chance to un-fuck this situation?"

I smiled. "I will."

"Thanks." He slapped the counter, "and with that, I'm out. Enjoy the beer and have a good night!"

As the door closed, Jess whirled on me. "So?"

"So, I think I'm going to follow his lead and go get some sleep."

"Oh, come on!" Jess whined.

"Today was a roller coaster, and I'm beat."


I walked down the hallway to the office, "Enjoy the apology beers!"

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