Chapter 32

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*CONTENT WARNING* This chapter will contain detailed descriptions of sexual activity. If you would rather not read that, then please skip from the first bolded line to the second – this will cut out the sauciest parts of the chapter while keeping the plot intact.

I woke in the moonless gloom, in the lonely span between midnight and dawn, when light is so scarce that the world turns greyscale.

For a moment, I wanted nothing more than to snuggle deeper into the sheets and fall back asleep.

But I couldn't.

I was boiling.

Curled up in Dwayne's embrace, I was roasting in the cocoon of his body heat.


As much as I wanted to tiptoe downstairs for a glass of ice water, I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out of the bed with the possessive vise of Dwayne's arm holding me tight against him.

Maybe... maybe if I lose the shorts?

It might just cool me down enough to fall back asleep.

As I listened to Dwayne's deep, even breathing, I shifted my hips slightly, inching the waistband of the shorts down as I was able, first one side, then the other.

I was sliding it over the curve of my ass when I felt him move.

Freezing, I held my breath.

He made a throaty grumbling sound, nestling his nose in my hair before falling back asleep.

Exhaling slowly, I waited until I was certain he was out before I continued, wriggling the shorts down my legs and tossing them onto the floor.

"Hmm?" Dwayne stirred behind me.


I looked over my shoulder, intending to apologize for waking him, but then his eyes fluttered open.

There was a moment's dazed befuddlement, then he focused on me, and the softness, the tenderness in his gaze stunned me silent.

Taking his hand off of my stomach, he reached up, brushing a piece of hair away from my mouth.

He lingered there, fingers lightly tracing over my cheekbone and the edge of my jaw, almost like he was memorizing me.

Turning over, I faced him, letting the intensity of his stare wash over me.

There, in the dark, with his eyes on me, time ceased to exist. Eternities passed as his thumb explored the curve of my lips. I watched him, studying the way the shadows softened the plane of his cheek.

This man had frightened me. He had scared me so out of my wits that my only instinct had been to run away.

And now, there was nothing I wanted more than to be right here, in this bed, with him.

Well, there was one thing...

And for the life of me, I couldn't think of a single reason why I shouldn't have it.

Reaching up, I threaded my fingers through his hair, cradling his head as I eliminated the space between us.

He tasted like home.

And as his lips melded with mine, they felt right, like these were the lips that I had been made to kiss.

So, I did.

And he kissed me back, and a fierce hunger started growing in my core.

At some point, his shirt was tossed to the floor. Followed by my shirt. And the sheets. And his shorts.

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