Chapter 51

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Stepping out of the first-floor bathroom, I was headed for the backyard when Melissa called for me.


I paused, "Yes?"

"Could you lend me a hand for a second?"

"I'll be right there!" Changing course, I walked toward her voice.

Turning the corner, I entered the kitchen and saw Evan's aunt with her arms folded, considering the massive sheet cake that was taking up most of the table.

"Would you mind helping me take this outside?"

"I'd love to."

Situating myself on one end of the cake, I followed Melissa's lead and picked it up on her cue.

As we slowly walked it toward the door, Melissa spoke.

"So, Evan and Dwayne seem like they're getting along."

'Getting along' was underselling it.

When I'd stepped away, they'd been engrossed in a discussion that I couldn't follow – I heard the words "Mandalorian", "beskar", and "darksaber" and my brain just shut off.

Supporting my end of the cake with my arm, I smirked. "Yeah, turns out they're bonding over their mutual nerdiness."

"Huh. Well, how about that?" Melissa's tone was light, but her eyes held a craftiness that had me wondering how much she'd already guessed.

"What can I say? I have a type."

Carefully stepping onto the patio, Melissa walked us back to the folding banquet table.

"Easy – easy..." Gingerly, we set it down next to the paper plates and plastic cutlery.

"And done!" Melissa rested her hands on her hips and looked up at me. "Thanks for your help! Could you go let Evan know that we're just about ready to light the candles?"

"I'm on it!" But, as I turned to walk away, she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Lauren?"


"I'm really glad you decided to come."

She knows.

I smiled, letting some of the ridiculous happiness I was feeling shine through.

"Me too."

Much as I wanted to shout the truth to the heavens, I bit my tongue.

It's Evan's news to share.

Stepping off of the patio, I made my way through the mingling groups of Evan's packmates.

Walking toward the bonfire, I saw Dwayne and Evan standing together, still deep in conversation.

They looked so engrossed that my footsteps slowed and then stopped – not wanting to interrupt them.

Spellbound, I let my eyes drink in the sight of my mates.

My mates...

A sudden rush of contentment washed over me, and I felt myself radiating serenity.

As I observed them, I found my gaze straying to Dwayne, noting his relaxed posture, the ease of his smile, and the twinkle in his eyes.

Elated tears filled my eyes as I realized-

I'm watching him fall in love with Evan...

There wasn't a force on this planet that could have made me disturb them, but Evan glanced my way and waved me over.

Sidling up next to Dwayne, I leaned my head against his chest and hugged him.

His arms wrapped around me, holding me snug against him. "Hey, Babe; we were wondering where you were."

"I was helping Melissa with the cake." Turning to Evan, I took his hand in mine. "By the way, she says she needs you – it's candle time."

"On it." Giving Dwayne's shoulder a quick squeeze, he went to find his aunt.

I closed my eyes, listening to the crackle of the fire and the distant song of crickets. With Dwayne's heart beating against me, I asked, "Thoughts?"

"You have excellent taste in men."

Looking up, I giggled, feeling drunk with joy.

Suddenly, Alpha Howard's voice rang out over the party, "Okay, everybody! It's that time!"

Pulling Dwayne in for a quick kiss, I linked our arms and we made our way to the growing crowd around the patio.

Evan stood at the center of attention, looking slightly uncomfortable until he caught sight of us and visibly relaxed.

After a moment's delay, Melissa walked out from the kitchen carrying a miniature blaze. Presenting Evan with a slice of cake studded with a forest of tiny candles, she said, "Make a wish!"

Evan's gaze darted toward Dwayne and me. With a quick smirk, he took a breath and blew out the small inferno.

I was depositing our plates and forks in the trash when Howard addressed his pack, "Alright! Everybody finish up dessert and get shifted – the run is starting in five minutes!"

Hurrying back to Dwayne and Evan, we moved our chairs a safe distance away from the fire before disrobing and giving in to the ever-present yearning that took us from human to wolf.

As my front paws touched down on the soft, green grass, I shook myself, easing the prickling itchiness that always came when my skin sprouted fur.

Next to me, Dwayne and Evan waited, and together we trotted over to the assembling members of the pack.

Sitting on my haunches, feeling the warmth of my mates, I looked up at the moon.

Above us, radiant among the stars, the almost perfect disc shone bright and brilliant in the night.

I've never been a devout follower of the Goddess – never given more than lip service to the rites and rituals of our people.

But waiting there under the Wyoming sky, my heart filled with gratitude, and I sent out a prayer -

Thank you

I Stole the Alpha's Car (18+)|✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon