Chapter 21

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Your eyes slowly opened and gazed up at the glow in the dark stars that shone on your ceiling. A familiar icy breeze made you furrow further into your blankets, hiding from the cold.

You smiled tiredly at your room, happy to see it full of colours and memories. It was ten times better than the plain white walls at the hospital.

Groaning at the cold, you ran to your closet and wrapped yourself in thick, warm clothing. You ran down the stairs and found your backpack lying on the kitchen counter. Everything was still inside, so you slung it over your shoulder and grabbed Jin's keys.

You locked the front door and trudged through the snow towards Jin's car. You breathed a sigh of relief as you saw it still intact. You unlocked it and slid into the driver's seat, a tad more confident in how to drive it.

Jin hadn't really let you do any actual driving yet but you had it pretty much figured out. You would have about a ten minute chance each day but most of the time Jin would demonstrate how to do it. All together it was about an hour of actual practice and six hours of theory.

That should be okay right?

You took a deep breath and turned the car on. You did all the correct steps with the gears and handbrake before slowly putting the smallest amount of pressure on the accelerator and increasing it little by little.

The car starting rolling forward, feeling much too fast even though the speedometer read 10 km/h. As you tried to change to second gear, the car stalled and you lurched forward uncomfortably.

Right. I need to be going a little bit faster.

You turned the car off and went through all the steps again. This time you went a little faster and successfully made it into second gear.

You got onto the main road, wincing as you knocked over the neighbour's trash can. Apologising silently, you slowly made your way down the street and on your way to find Suga.

For the next couple of hours you slowly made your way towards the lake house with the help of your phone's GPS. You went a lot slower than Jin had gone so the drive was a lot longer. You didn't dare listen to music in case it distracted you from the millions of steps you needed to remember.

You stalled a couple of times but for the most part it was okay. The road was long and straight, no obstacles in the way for you to run over. Just like the town, the roads were empty, no other cars in sight. At least you had the heater on to keep you warm.

The nearer you got to your family's lake house, the more nervous you felt. You kept worrying that Suga was no longer there, that he had gone back to town and somehow missed you, or that he had disappeared from the dream entirely. You couldn't bear the thought of him being gone from your life forever.

He was your friend. And yet somehow more than that. You didn't know when or how it happened but somewhere along the line you had come to see him as more than just a friend. Maybe it was the time on the rooftop where the two of you watched the stars together. Or maybe it was even before that when you rode on the motorbike with him for the second time and you felt comfortable and safe.

Whenever it happened, it did. Somehow you started falling for the mysterious stranger who frightened you at first but eventually became one of the people you trusted most.

The only question was whether or not he felt the same. Sometimes it seemed like he might, with the way him and Jimin seemed to compete for your attention, or the look in his eyes that night on the rooftop.

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