Chapter 22

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"It leads to his real name?" Namjoon asked as he looked down at the list of books in front of him.

You nodded. "Yeah. He says his surname is Min. But his first name he couldn't say."

"Interesting..." Namjoon murmured. He looked down at the list before circling the first letters of every title. "I don't know why I thought it would be a complex clue... I mean some teenager came up with it, it's probably a lot simpler than we thought."

"What do you mean?" you asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Maybe the contents of the book have nothing to do with it. It seems to me as if he grabbed a bunch of random books purely for their title," Namjoon explained.

He spun the piece of paper around to face you and you looked down at the word that the letters were spelling. "Yoongi?"

The silver haired nodded excitedly. "That sounds like a name doesn't it?"

"Min Yoongi," you tested the name and your mouth slowly tugged up into a smile. "Is there a Min Yoongi somewhere here?"

"I'll look into the records," Namjoon said. "Maybe speak to your parents and ask if they know a Min Yoongi as well?"

You hesitated. "I don't think..."

Namjoon smiled understandably. "You don't really want to speak with them?"

You shook your head. "They just dumped me here. And they haven't bothered to come see me once."

"Very well. I think it would be good to speak with them but if you really don't want to right now I'll ask Jin to do it," Namjoon suggested.

You looked at him in disbelief. You didn't think he would be so accepting. You thought he would encourage it more, saying it would be good for you.

Maybe it would be good for you. You were angry at them and felt abandoned, but you didn't really know how they felt. Maybe they saw it differently, or maybe they really had given up on you. You needed to see for yourself.

"It's fine," you muttered. "I'll speak to them."

Your psychiatrist smiled kindly and the two of you chatted for a bit longer before you left to go to lunch.

You arrived in the cafeteria to see Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok already at your normal table. This time Jin was with them as well.

Jimin and Taehyung waved excitedly at you and you waved back as you entered the line. The line went by quickly and you stood in front of Jungkook with your tray ready.

"Hey, (Y/N)," the dark haired said with a warm smile.

"Hey Jungkook. How are you doing?" you replied.

"I'm good thanks. Just seen Doctor Kim?" he asked curiously. He already knew most of your story now, and was actually friends with Namjoon.

"Yeah. He said maybe I can get out of here soon."

Namjoon had commented that your progress was phenomenal and that he was very impressed with how you had improved lately. You weren't having anymore nightmares aside from the ones where you went back to the dream, and he noticed that you were seeming less depressed and emotionless. You were also finally eating properly again and you knew it was because now you had friends to eat with. It was all because of your friends that you were slowly improving, even if they didn't know it.

"That's great!" Jungkook exclaimed, sounding genuinely happy for you. "I hope when you're gone you won't forget about all of us here."

"I won't," you promised with a laugh.

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