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The hallway of the crumbling skyscraper echoed as the two women ran across what remained of the concrete floor. The leapt over holes, ducked under beams, and had to turn back several times as they reached dead ends, racing to make their way back down to their bikes. The skyscraper was a maze in their hurried state. What Jennix had done to the box's power would be done to them if they were caught. All they could do was run. 

Mechanical laughter followed the pair as they raced through the next hallway. They pushed themselves further. They had to get out before they were reached! Amneris grasped her pendant as she ran. She'd had the power of the Photon Core for over five thousand years. No way in all of Creation would she let it be taken. There was even less way she was going to be defeated by some magic book. The others would never let her hear the end of it. 

'You can't stop me,' Jennix called. 'Wherever you hide, I will find you.'

Amneris raised a hand, scanning the area ahead. There! An escape! Possibly their only one. 'Left!' she called, shooting around the corner. Her sister stumbled momentarily, almost going head first into a wall before regaining her footing and chasing.

They approached a fragile section of the building, the wall having crumbled ages ago to the elements. Below were spikes of broken glass and stone.

Xix gaped. 'Are you insane?'

'That's been established!' Amneris laughed.

They reached the ledge and—


They leapt off the building, falling through the air. 

* * * * * * * * 

Jennix stopped at the edge of the path, looking down at the two figures plummeting below. Their face twisted into a smile. Oh, this was too easy. They could take out the bigger threat first, then the second, then watch them both fall to their deaths. It was perfect!

Jennix held the book toward Amneris, the pages wide open. She spoke, 'Let the story of the Photon Core end.' The book was closed.

* * * * * * * 

A blinding beam of light came from above, slamming into Amneris. Her pendant and form lost their glow. She screamed, her power being torn from her body until not even the smallest drop remained. Xix watched on in horror. She could do nothing as her sister's power was taken! 

The beam of light vanished. Amneris' eyes closed. Her body slumped against the push of air, unconscious. 

Xix felt her power jolt in response. That was not a good sign. Xix glanced up to where Jennix was standing, down to where the ground surged toward them, then to her bracelet. She may have been the Silent Guardian for five years now but she was still working out the kinks. This was the first situation in ages where she needed help. She had to call on Naka's power before it was too late. 

Naka's voice appeared in her mind. Looks like you got a situation, Chickie Babe.

A big one, Xix agreed. Help me out?

You are my chosen one, he said. Summon me and I'll help.

Xix pulled off her bracelet without hesitation, tossing it to the side. She yelled over the wind, 'I summon Naka!' 

A flash of crimson light. The God appeared, falling alongside her. 

Naka twisted in the air and pointed a finger at Jennix. An explosion of red-black light left his body, slamming into the skyscraper and the cyborg. The skyscraper shook. Jennix leapt from the hole, disappearing into some sort of green portal. 

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now