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Aurora stood in the training ring wielding a practice staff, Amneris pacing around her with a practice staff on her own. The woman rushed at her. Aurora yelped, catching the attack on her staff. She pushed back, twisted, and struck her waist. Amneris jumped out of the way, twirling, and counterstriking from behind. Aurora fell to the ground.

"Wow," Amneris said, holding the staff over her shoulder, "you suck at this."

Aurora glared. "Well, perhaps if you taught me instead of beating me up, we might get somewhere."

"Hmm. No." She tapped the staff on the ground. "Up."

Aurora rolled her eyes but got up. Gods, everything ached. They'd been sparring for at least half an hour now and, considering her sucky stamina and reflexes, they weren't making much progress. Sure, the idea of learning how to use her powers had sounded cool but this wasn't at all what Aurora had in mind. There was a different between magics and sticks.

As if reading her mind, Amneris sighed. "If you don't know how to defend yourself on your own, then how do you expect to do it with your power?"

"Point and think?"

One moment, Amneris was standing in front of her with an unamused look. The next, Aurora was being turned upside down and pinned to the ground, her arm being shoved up behind her. She was stuck. 

"Damn, go easy on the poor girl!"

They both looked up at the newcomer's voice.

Hathor stood at the top of the stairs, leaning over the railing. "She's mortal, remember?"

Amneris snorted but let go. Aurora sat up, rubbing her shoulder. Damn that woman . . .

"What brings you here?" Amneris asked.

"Taking over," Hathor said. "You have to get ready."

She blinked. "Get ready?"

"For tonight."


Hathor raised her eyebrows. "Remember?"

Amneris clapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh fuck!" 

She zoomed around the room, snatching up the two practice weapons and putting them away in a blur of movement. She stopped in front of Aurora, pulled her to her feet, and was at the top of the stairs. Aurora watched as the two women talked in a strange language. She found it odd her translator wasn't doing its job. Maybe it was a very old tongue? 

Hathor came down the stairs as Amneris left the room. "Sorry about my mum. She can be a little fierce in training."

"No shit," Aurora muttered.

"You should've seen my first day," she continued, "I had my arse handed to me, and I'm immortal." She grinned. "Come on. We're going out."

"We are?" 

"Yep! Might wanna change into something more appropriate for the weather."

* * * * * * * *

Half an hour later, Aurora walked through the streets of Lapide with Arthur, Lydia, Hathor and her friends. A light snowfall was slowly turning the city white. Well, orange in the light of the setting sun. It was very busy, people rushing this way and that. There were so many species and ages. The city was decorated with tables set out everywhere, mostly near the beach, with varieties of free food and drink.

"Party tonight?" Arthur asked.

"Tonight is the Freeze," Isaiah said, looking at home in the weather. "It comes once a year but every one hundred years is different."

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now