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Jennix turned to Kek, their book held up triumphantly. The Terpolite man grinned. This cyborg, whoever they were, whatever their power was, had taken down all his enemies single-handedly! It was incredible. It couldn't hide his awe. Even so, there was still one thing left to do.

"Fuse them," he ordered.

Jennix nodded. Having already taken on the Photon Core's power, they sent it back into the book before placing it on the ground. The pages with the symbols of Naiu and Naka were open to the world. Naiu's symbol glowed a bright white, Naka's symbol a dark red. Jennix waved their hands in a complicated gesture. The two symbols and the power they held floated up from the book, joining together to create a new symbol entirely. The symbol of Elan, the Eternal Core The separate colours merged into a deep gold. It was beautiful. 

Kek felt his cheeks beginning to ache but he just couldn't stop smiling. The power he'd longed for, searched for, killed for was right at his fingertips! All he had to do was touch at and the power of Elan would finally, after so long, be his.

But there was still one loose end to tie up. He glanced at Jennix, their face filled with the same awe, no doubt believing this would be the power that would provide them with the final boost to fuse their two megaverses. Kek would have none of that.

"I am very impressed with you, Jennix," he said, moving closer. "You have proven yourself a loyal ally."

"Thank you," they said. "I could not have done this without your help. Together, we will save my world."

"Yeah, about that."

Kek grabbed the green jewel from its place on their armour. Before Jennix could react, he used all his strength to punch straight through the metal part of their body. His hand clenched around something hard--their power source--and pulled it away. He marveled at the strange-looking black diamond. Never had he seen anything like it. 

He looked up at Jennix, their face filled with anger, betrayal. "Oh, relax," he drawled. "Losing your power source won't kill you. If I wanted to do that, I would've gone for your biological heart, not the artificial second one."

"What do you think you are doing?" they exclaimed.

"Getting the power that is rightfully mine!" 

He pressed the black diamond and green jewel together. Jennix screamed in outrage as a wave of green energy surged toward them. They were sucked into an orb of golden light which promptly vanished. Kek laughed triumphantly. Having spent so long with that damned robot, he knew exactly how they travelled through Beyond, and now that power, along with the Eternal Core, was his. Kek turned around, his smile unfaltering. All he had to do was touch that glowing symbol and--

"I so saw this coming." Amneris gave him a sideways smile, her arms folded across her chest, her staff hanging from a strap over her spine. "Totally knew you were only in it for Elan," she continued. "It's all you ever cared about." 

He hissed. "Thought you were out."

"Out cold? Yes. Out as in dead? Not so much."

"We both know you can't hold Elan's power," Kek said, raising an eyebrow. "No Core Guardian can."

"Never actually tested the theory, and what makes you think that you can?"

He bowed. "Not a Core Guardian. Now do get out of my way."

Amneris pretended to think it over. "No, I don't think I will."

Kek growled. "You little bit--"

Ema whacked him over the head with her crowbar. As he fell, she dropped to one knee, groaning. She hadn't yet received medical attention, Kayla and Carmin still down. 

But Kek wasn't defeated. He swept his feet beneath Ema. She cried out as she landed on her injured shoulder. Kek slipped a knife from his sleeve into his hand, aiming for Ema's heart--only to be knocked of her body by Jay.

The Fae male was angered beyond reason, clawing at Kek with his sharp nails, cutting his face, roaring in a way which only Fae could. Kek cried out, struggling to protect his eyes from Jay's onslaught. The tactic was changed, Jay slamming his fist into the Terpolite's face. 

Jay yelled, "Stay!" Punch. "Away!" Punch. "From!" Punch. "My!" Punch. "Mate!" He barely registered Amneris' cry of "Finally!" from behind. 

Kek caught the Fae's next punch, ignoring the pain in his shattered nose. He rammed his forehead into Jay's face, the Fae's head snapping back. That gave Kek the opening he needed. He pushed himself to his feet and lashed out with his power. Dark blue lightning shot from his hands, striking the Fae's form. Jay roared at the pain. Kek merely upped to voltage until Jay was temporarily disposed of.

"Fucking Fae," he muttered, kicking Jay's body. "Never know when to quit."

Kek turned back to where the symbol of Elan floated. It was a clear run. He charged forward, making it an entire metre away before being basted from his feet. He went flying, crashing into the dirt and skidding even further away. His head snapped in the direction of the attack, seeing Hathor wielding a velvet pouch and pale green stone. 

Horus whacked her shoulder. "Good shot, sis! Would've been better if I did it, but you've got potential."

She gave him a flat look. "Um, thanks?"

Kek growled, getting to his feet, his power building up. "This is fucking ridiculous. A kid thinking she can beat me? Yeah, righ--" 

He was cut off by a strong whack to the head. Behind Kek stood Lydia, wielding Ema's crowbar. She yelped, dropped it immediately, and ran to hide between Aurora and Arthur who'd woken up moments ago.

"Defeated by a Human," Leo said, helping Nikki to her feet close by. "He won't be happy when he wakes up."

"Is he ever?" Nikki joked. 

"Not that I've seen," Ema groaned from where she was being healed by Kayla.

Xix stepped over Kek's unconscious body. She took the green jewel and black diamond from his outstretched hand. She made to turn away, stopped, thought, then slammed the heel of her boot into his face and spat. "That's for taking my power, you son of a bitch."

Amneris cheered, "That's my girl!"

Colt sighed, rubbing his head. "You are a very bad influence on people."

"Excuse you, I'm a fabulous influence." Everyone sighed. "What?"

Carmin and Dan stood near the floating symbol of Elan, studying it as it rotated as though they were trying to solve a difficult puzzle. "Anyone know how to separate it?" asked Dan. He was met with silence. "That's encouraging." 

Zoe pulled her handheld from her belt, scanning the symbol and the power that came with it. "Just give me a moment and I should know how to--" Her eyes widened at something on her screen, but it had nothing to do with the current dilemma. "Incoming portal! Origin unknown!"

A golden orb appeared out of thin air and, from the orb, came Jennix.

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora