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It took more than a day to get ready. Though, to be fair, the machine did, in fact, blow up in their faces. It had happened completely out of the blue. The platform was fully hooked up to the monitor and everything appeared to be working. None of the crudely-installed warning systems went off, no lights flashed, no alarms rang, so they all figured it must be in working order. Whatever that was.

"Okay," Mel had said. "Xix, stand on the platform. Don't do your thing until I say so."

An admittedly nervous Xix stood on the small rounded platform. 

Mel pressed a few buttons on their computer. "Aaaand go!"

Xix channeled her power, let it rise up inside her. She closed her eyes, tapping into the energy around her, tuning out everything else. For a moment, everything seemed to be working. She could see further than ever before!

Then things went wrong. 

The platform shook below her. Xix's eyes shot open to see the entire thing smoking. She had no time to react before being blasted from her feet by the entire thing exploding. Everyone took cover as debris rained down upon them. 

Mel and Jinx were on the move, putting out the small fires before the entire base was burnt down. Selina and Kindra helped Xix to her shaking feet. 

"Everyone in one piece?" Brayden called. Everyone replied in the positive. 

They all stared at the mess and sighed. 

That was yesterday. 

Today was fairing a little better. After cleanup and some much needed rest, they'd all gotten back to work, only with some more help. Zoe was talking to Mel on an open line to Lyriumia, helping them figure out what had gone wrong. The two worked quite well together. Everyone else followed Mel's instructions, running here and there to keep up. 

As her help wasn't required, Xix sat alone on the lounge, watching everyone do their thing. Or she would've been alone if it wasn't for Naka's laughing in her head. He found the entire ordeal amusing for reasons she couldn't figure out. 

"Would you please stop?" Xix finally snapped. 

"No," Naka said. 

Xix grabbed a pillow and whacked her face with it. "At least let me in on the joke."

"What can I say? I find you mortals hilarious. You actually believe you can use my power as a massive scanner to see where someone has been and is going." He laughed again. "That's too good!"

"Thank you, God of Helpful Comments," she muttered. "You know, you can step in and help us at any time."

"I know."

"So why don't you?"

"I'd miss all the action."

She sighed.

"Yo, Terpolite Queen!" Brayden waved his hands to get her attention. "Ah, thank you. I was starting to think you'd gone deaf. We're ready for you."

"It won't blow up again, will it?" Xix laughed, joining the others.

Zoe shook her head. "Should be ready to go."

Should. Well, that was better than last time.

Cautiously, Xix stood on the platform. It showed no signs of shaking. A good start. Jax handed her two cables, instructing her to hold one in each hand so they could get a better reading. Everyone stood outside a ring of blue crystals--sapphire budtorite, the exact opposite of scarlet budtorite. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed.

Xix let out a nervous breath. "Well, here goes something."

She allowed her power to build up again. No signs of warning from the others. They gave her encouraging smiles. Xix closed her eyes and dove straight down, until she was surrounded by the power of the eternal darkness. She felt it spread across Creation, overtaking everything if only for just a moment. She could feel the power of light pushing against her, but she was searching for a certain type. 

There! A trace of Photon Energy. It moved quickly across Creation, disappearing in and out at places. It was stronger at a place close to a Wall. It wasn't just any Wall, it was one which gave access to the God Worlds. 

Xix watched as the Photon Energy made a B-line for Terpola, headed straight for--

* * * * * * * *

"They're going to Ilsbrook?" Amneris exclaimed in disbelief. "Who in their right mind would go to that shit hole?"

Xix sighed at her sister over their holochat. "You were the one who made it that way."

She huffed. "I was having a bad day."

Leo appeared on screen, pushing her out of the way. "Any idea why they would go there?"

Xix turned behind her to where a map of Terpola was on-screen. She pointed at a certain point. "The Wastelands, as we now call them, are filled with Photon Energy."

"Which is bad for Terpola," Leo said, nodding.

"But that's not the only thing." Xix pointed to the northern area of the Wastelands, the place where Ilsbrook's ruins lay. "I don't know what Amneris did, exactly, but I know it created a weak point. Ilsbrook only has a weak barrier between it and the Void, and whatever else is outside our Creation."

Amneris leaned in for a closer look. "So, that would mean . . ."

"It would mean that if Jennix wanted to reach Beyond, with the amount of power they had, this would be the location to do it." Xix frowned thoughtfully. "Maybe they are trying to find a way home."

Amneris and Leo exchanged glances. 

"You don't think . . ."

"It is possible . . ." Leo turned to Xix. "What if they were trying to bring home here?"

She laughed. "Oh, come on. That would be impossible."

Amneris grimaced. "If dimensions, universes and the occasional multiverse can fuse together, I don't think it's impossible, sis."

"Hmm. You make a good point."

"We have a day to make preparations and reach Ilsbrook," Amneris said. "We'll meet you there."

"Alright. Stay safe." The call ended.

Xix fell back on the lounge. This was insane. Now they had to worry about potential megaversal fusion? That had the ability to destroy everything in Creation, and they were no closer to figuring out how to stop Jennix. She sighed. They would just have to wing it at this point. Nothing new there.

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now