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Coming out on the other side of the portal, Amneris pulled her bike into a firm stop, Xix coming up beside her. Amneris looked around the room. 'Ah.' They were in the Throne Room of her Palace in Lapide. The guards were in varying states of shock, some having drawn their weapons. They were lowered at the sight of the two women removing their helmets. Amneris gave them a sheepish wave.

'I overshot,' she said to Xix.

Xix sighed, shaking out her shoulder-length white hair. 'I think we have other things to worry about.'

The three Humans were looking around in awe. The purple-haired girl seemed to be taking it the best, dashing to her sleeping friend and the boy. All three were shaking from the cold of the Earth they'd escaped.

Amneris keyed her wrist-mic. 'Ryan, could you come to the Throne Room, please. Oh, and I'm going to need three translators and a suite prepared. We have guests.'

'Will be there in five,' he answered.

Amneris waved a hand at her guards who slowly closed in on the three Humans. They stood down immediately. The three looked nervous. Actually, no. Nervous is how the blonde girl looked. The boy looked angry. The purple-haired girl looked, if anything, frustrated.

She stormed toward Amneris, arms crossed against her chest, shaking slightly as she slowly warmed up. 'Where the hell are we?'

'You're welcome,' Amneris said in English.

'Answer the damn question. Where have you brought us.'

She rolled her eyes. 'You're on Lyriumia, a planet at the centre of the multiverse, and this is the Throne Room of my Palace.'

The girl blinked. 'Your Palace?'

'Yes,' Amneris said. 'Mine.'

Ryan dashed through the doors of the Throne Room, Colt, Ema, Lvaane, Jay, and Kayla close behind. Ryan passed three pendants to the Humans, showing how to put them on. Colt hugged Amneris tightly, Lvaane placing his hands on her shoulders with a comforting smile. Ema ran to Xix's side, punching her arm. Jay and Kayla both scanned the Humans, not that the three visitors knew what they were doing.

'What, exactly, is the point of this necklace?' the purple-haired girl demanded.

'It's a technomagic translator,' Ryan explained.

'You're speaking English . . .'

He smiled. 'No, I'm speaking Lyriumian. You're hearing English.'

The purple-haired girl and brown-haired boy exchanged glances. The girl said, 'So it's basically the TARDIS translator. We all hear our native tongue.'

Ryan frowned. 'No idea what this 'TARDIS translator' is, but, yes, that is how it works.'

Amneris smiled to herself, moving away from her family. She stepped up the dais and sat on the large throne, crossing one leg over the other. She felt her diadem appear on her brow. Jay and Xix stood to her right, Colt and Lvaane on her left. Ema, Ryan and Kayla remained at the base of the stairs. The guards stood straight.

'So,' Amneris said, her voice echoing around the room. 'I believe introductions are in order. I am the Photon Queen Amneris Topanga of Lyriumia. This lovely woman beside me is my sister, the Silent Queen Xix Acheron of Terpola. Beside her is my main Advisor, Jay Winston. To my other side are my husband, Colt Kymmer, and my father, the Old King Lvaane Topanga. At the bottom of the stairs are Ema Tana, Xix's Advisor, Kayla Far, Head Healer, and Ryan Chalut.' She leveled her gaze on the three Humans. 'Who are you?'

The purple-haired girl stepped forward. 'I'm Aurora. Aurora Diaz. This is my cousin Arthur and our spirit friend Lydia . . . who isn't actually a spirit right now for some reason.' She shook her head. 'What's going on here?'

'You don't know?' Xix asked. Aurora shook her head. 'What is the last thing you remember?'

'We were in school,' Aurora started. 'There was a lockdown.'

'Then this chick came crashing through the roof,' Arthur interrupted. 'Did some dramatic speech about how Aurora couldn't stop her before running of.'

'Then,' Aurora continued, glaring at her cousin, 'we gave chase to the she-robot. It opened a vortex of some sort. We got sucked in.' She shrugged. 'Woke up in some apocalyptical city.'

'A bloody freezing apocalyptic city,' Arthur corrected.

'Right. That's when we say Ly was no longer dead. Then we almost froze to death while being attacked by shadows. You and . . . her saved us. The rest is history.'

Xix turned to Amneris. 'Why would Jennix bring two Humans and one ex-Spirit there?'

Amneris shook her head. 'We need to discuss this with the others. Privately.' She returned her attention to the three. 'Ryan will take you to your rooms. Warm up, change clothes, have a bath if you want one. Food and drink will be waiting when you get there. I will send someone for you when it's time to talk.'

Amneris waved her hand. The room was dismissed. 

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن