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Two hours later, Amneris, Leo, Nikki, Xix, Zoe, Aurora, and Arthur stood on the edge of a cliff. The world was cast in a silver light from the three moons in the sky. Amneris and Zoe glowed with a faint golden light. The grass they stood on was a silver-green colour, the stones bronze. A winding path led down from the cliff to the valley below where a silver river cut through the dirt. 

The group made their way down a path carved into the cliff. Amneris glanced down at her hands, flexing her fingers. Faint blue light flickered to light at her fingertips, but it was weak. She cursed under her breath. Xix placed a hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic smile. Amneris covered her sister's hand with her own. 

'We will figure this out,' Xix promised. 'You will get your power back and mine will return to normal. You'll see.'

Amneris let out a breath she didn't have, raising her free hand to rest over where her ankh necklace was hidden beneath the black leather of her jacket. 'Did you notice that girl has the same necklace as me?'

Xix nodded. 'Different version from her Creation.'

'How did you think she got it.'

'Ask her.' 

Amneris gave her sister a flat look.

'She may be Human, but she is not evil,' Xix said. 'She's quite nice. Give her--give them--a chance.' She squeezed her hand. 'Remember, you were once Human, too.'

Amneris sighed. 'That was a very long time ago.'

* * * * * * * *

Halfway down the cliff, Amneris found herself walking beside Aurora, explaining the planet to her. 

'This is one of the last remaining systems in the first universe,' she said. 'Most of the universe is over now and has been for billions of years. Because it's so old, and because Xix knows history a lot better than the rest of us, we're here to check just how out of balance things are.'

'How does that work?' Aurora asked. 

'There's a machine on this world built by my people eons ago. Been meaning to take it back home but, well, stuff got in the way. And it is rather large.'

'As it does.' Aurora eyed her. 'So, this machine, it'll tell us just how bad things will get.'

'Something like that.' Amneris' gaze drifted down. 'Where did you get that necklace.'

Aurora grasped it. 'Why?'

'Because it's exactly the same as mine.'

'That does make sense. You gave it to me last year.' She became thoughtful. 'Not you you. The you from my world.' Amneris remained silent. Aurora sighed. 'Last year, I accidently travelled to the Afterworld. You and I met--I didn't know what your name was back then--and you--she--gave me this necklace. Said I'd need it in the future.'

Amneris tapped the necklace. 'It has magical properties. You probably need to activate it to tap into that power.'

'How do I do that?'

'No idea.'

Aurora huffed. 'You're so helpful.'

Amneris rolled her eyes. 'If I still had my other powers, I'd be able to tell you. Because my power is significantly weaker, I've lost a few abilities.'

The girl eyed her strangely. 'Maybe you still have those abilities. Maybe you just need to activate them, like me and this necklace.'

'Maybe . . .'

* * * * * * * * 

Reaching the base of the valley, the group followed the rushing silver rapids upstream. The three moons were directly overhead, the valley and water practically glowing from the light. Shadows hid the canyon walls and any caves hidden within them. 

Zoe lead the way, a glowing orb of light hovering above her hand. In her other hand was a phone, a holographic map of the area floating above the screen. 'It's just up ahead,' she called over her shoulder. 

Nikki scanned the area with her lime-green cat-eyes. 'I don't see any big machine.'

'It's in a cave, Niks,' Zoe laughed.

'Oh. That makes more sense.'

'And big is being nice,' Leo said. 'It's fucking massive.'

'Must be one hell of a big cave,' Arthur muttered. 

'You have no idea,' Amneris grinned. 

'Here,' Zoe said, lowering the phone. She angled the orb of light so it shone on the canyon wall. A rounded tunnel was cut into the stone. 'Just follow the pathway,' Zoe murmured. 'We'll reach it when we find the bottom.'

Aurora's head snapped up. 'What do you mean 'find the bottom'?'

Zoe glanced over her shoulder. 'Well, as we've been saying, it's a very big machine.'

'They placed it deep underground in a massive opening,' Xix explained, running a hand along the edges of the tunnel's entrance. 'I'd guess many metres below the surface." She sighed. "We have a downhill trek ahead of us.'

'Oh, joy,' Aurora muttered, moving ahead. 'A downward trek. Love a good downward trek. Means there's a massive uphill trek on the way back.' She spun on the spot, hands on her hips, facing the group. 'Can we just get this over with?'

Nikki sniffed the air, eyes glistening in the moonlight. 'Yes, that would probably be a good idea . . .'

Amneris followed her gaze. Shadows stood at the top of the canyon, looking straight at them. They made no move to stop the group, no move to attack. Amneris fingered the hilt of her dagger strapped to her thigh. 'Right. Let's get moving.'

* * * * * * * *

The pathway seemed to go on forever. The light from Amneris and Zoe disappeared into the endless darkness below. The path itself zig-zagged down and down into the depths of the planet. There was nothing to stop them from falling and no way to know just how far it went. Amneris had considered dropping a stone but Zoe said how it might damage the machine. Of course. 

Zoe shot orbs of light out in front of them, lighting the way as best she could. All that could be heard was the breathing from the three living members of their party, and the echoing of footsteps vanishing into the endless darkness. 

In the dim glow of Amneris and Zoe, Aurora grasped Arthur's hand. He squeezed back, giving her a reassuring smile. 

'How much further?' Nikki whined. 'My legs are aching.'

'That's what you get for wearing heels on a hiking trip,' Amneris muttered.

'Because you're not?' she countered, gesturing to the Queen's own heeled boots. 'At least you have a walking stick.'

Amneris huffed. 'It's a staff. My staff. I've had it for five thousand years.'

'And you're currently using it as a torch,' Zoe giggled from ahead. Amneris stuck her tongue out at the back of the Light-Bender's head. 

Leo took Zoe's phone from her, examining the map, the pathway. 'It can't be much further--' He cut himself off as he ran into Zoe's back. Leo stepped around her. 'Oh.'

Xix, Amneris, and Nikki came up beside them. 'Oh.'

Aurora and Arthur exchanged glances, and rushed to see what everyone was looking at. They stopped on the edge of a chasm. 'Oh.'

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now