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Lydia continued to sleep as Aurora and Arthur were brought to the Meeting Room by Ryan. He opened the doors, smiled, and gestured for them to go in. The large doors were closed behind them. 

Turning to those in the room, both Aurora and Arthur found themselves unable to do anything but stare. These people . . . they were definitely not Human. Most had pointed ears sticking out of their hair. Three--including a child--had large dragon-like wings, another with butterfly-like wings. One looked to be made of fire, another made of ice. And that wasn't even covering the many different colours of skin which went well beyond Human norms.

Aurora whispered, 'We are down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass.'

'That's putting it nicely,' he whispered back.

Xix stood, gesturing to the two remaining seats between the winged girl and pointed-eared woman near her with a smile, her crimson eyes seeming to glow. 'Please join us.'

Slowly, they sat.

Arthur gaped at the hologram. 'That . . . is awesome.'

The blue-skinned woman, Kayla--were those gills on her neck?--said, 'Technomagic. You get used to it after a while.'

'So awesome.'

'Back to business, please,' Amneris said. 'When you were drawn to that Earth, did Jennix say anything to you?'

'Who's Jennix?' Aurora asked.

'The cyborg.'

'So that's her name.'

'Their name,' Xix corrected.

Aurora tried to remember back to earlier, before she, Arthur, and Lydia had appeared on that strange world. Her head snapped upright. 'Flyst! That robot . . . cyborg . . . Jennix . . . whatever! They said, 'I will complete my mission by Flyst.'' The room went silent. 'Is that bad?'

'Quite bad,' Amneris answered.

'Did you say Earth?' Arthur asked.

One of the men beside Amneris--Colt, Aurora remembered--said, 'You were found on a version of Earth destroyed ages ago by the Humans gaining too much power.'

Aurora snorted. 'Sounds like Humanity to me.'

'Those creatures,' Xix continued, 'those were Humans.'

'What happened?' Arthur asked.

'De-evolution.' Amneris leaned forward. 'You two, your friend, and Jennix all come from another version of Creation. Another multiverse, if you will. For some reason, Jennix came here. She can travel between multiverses. She found you three in yours, deemed you a threat for reasons I'm yet to figure out, and brought you here to kill you. Can we please get back to the Flyst issue now?'

'Alternate multiverse,' Aurora said. 'Of course. Why not. It's that kind of day. Why wouldn't we be an alternate multiverse.'

Arthur nudged her. 'Help now. Panic later.'

'Right. Calm now. What's Flyst?'

'The time when the walls between the worlds are at their weakest,' the blonde woman answered. 'I'm Zoe, by the way.' She pointed at the others in turn. 'This is Leo, Nikki, Carmin, Blaze, Dan, Hathor, Maddie, Imogene, Sky, Isaiah, Troy, and Axel. The others you met already.'

'Nice to meet you all,' Arthur said. 'So, about this Flyst thing?'

'As Zoe said, it's when the walls of the worlds are at their weakest,' the red-skinned winged male, Dan, explained. 'The most crossovers are done, people can easily jump from one world to the next. Agitates the Void Beasts so they attack more often.'

The blonde man, Jay, shivered. 'I hate Void Beasts.'

'What are Void Beasts?' Arthur asked.

'Beasts that inhabit the Void. Not important,' Dan said.

'Not important?!'

'The point is,' the dark-skinned black-haired girl, Nikki, said with a pointed glare, 'is a lot of things considered impossible can happen during Flyst. It lasts about a week. Anything can go wrong. People can even stumble on the God Worlds.'

'God Worlds?' Aurora asked.

'Here and Terpola.'

'Ah.' Just roll with it.

Sky, the brown-skinned blue-haired boy, moved his fingers atop the table as though writing on a keyboard. Small squares lit up wherever his fingers landed. 'Flyst is a time of bad luck to Lyriumians and Terpolites,' he said. A screen appeared next to the holographic image of the stone covered in strange symbols. Certain items--Aurora thought they looked like news articles--flicked into focus.

'Void Beast attacks, sudden disappearances, sudden appearances, the attack on Kiloqua, rain in Voliabyi . . .' The tan-skinned wine-haired boy, Troy, whistled. 'Almost everything bad that's happened here has been during Flyst.'

'With a few exceptions,' Amneris said. 'This may be the world of good but we're far from perfect.'

'Flyst starts in two days,' the dark-skinned black-haired man, Leo, murmured. 'The strongest day is the last.'

'So, we have nine days to stop Jennix from doing whatever they're planning, despite not knowing what they're planning, only that it has something to do with these Humans and weakened walls between worlds,' Amneris said.

Jay broke the silence.


Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now