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Amneris and Xix raced across the barren landscape, aiming for the direction of the scream. It was somewhere in the ruins of the city--which really didn't help--but sounded like it came from the north. So that's where they went. 

It didn't take long to find the source of the scream. Three people--a pale blonde girl, a tan girl with purple hair, and a tan boy with brown hair-- were surrounded by the new form of Human of this world. Shadowy wisps closed in on them. The purple-haired girl handed the other girl to the boy, and picked up a pipe, holding it in front of her, stepping forward to defend the small group.

Xix spoke through her headpiece. 'They'll get themselves killed!'

'I'm more wondering how they got here in the first place.'

'We can worry about that later. I'll get the two, you get that girl with the pipe.'


Xix took to the left, Amneris to the right.

The three turned to them, watching as they came closer. Amneris and Xix zipped past the group, arms outstretched, and pulled them from their feet. 

* * * * * * * *

The girl Amneris grabbed screamed as she was dragged along. She pulled on her wrist, the girl getting onto the hoverbike. Amneris pulled her arms around her waist. The girl clung on with all her might. Amneris glanced to her sister. The other two were on the back of her own bike. Good. 

'Are you okay?' Amneris called over the wind. When she didn't respond, Amneris asked again. 'Are you okay?'

'I'm sorry?' the girl said. 'I don't understand.'

Amneris groaned, tilting her head back. 'You have got to be kidding.' She leaned forward again, switching languages from Lyriumian to English, one of the native earthen languages. 'English, yeah? Do you speak English?'

'Yes!' The girl yelped as they took air off a rock. When they landed, she said, 'I speak English.'

'Humans . . .' Amneris let out a dark laugh. 'I asked if you were okay.'

'Wha - yes. Yes, I'm okay. Confused and lost,' the girl continued, 'but it could be worse.'

'For the love of crap!' Amneris switched back to English. 'Never say that. Something bad always happens. It's the ultimate . . .' Amneris searched her English. It had been a while since it was last used. 'Jinx, I believe the word is in your language.' 

The girl tightened her grip. 'Is that gonna be a problem.' 

'No!' Amneris revved the engine, remembering the girl wouldn't have understood. She needed to pick a language and stick with it! 'Hold on tight!' she called in English. 'I'm not planning on stopping!' 

Amneris pointed her bike at one of the shadow creatures. She went straight through it. The creature stretched, screaming, and vanished. 'Yes!' Amneris cried. She spun the bike to take out three others with a laugh, Xix doing the same nearby, though with far less enthusiasm.

Amneris pulled her bike to a stop, watching as the shadows she'd gone through split into two more shadows. Xix stopped nearby, having noticed the same thing. She brought her bike up beside Amneris', speaking through the radio in Lyriumian.  

 'I don't think this is working.'

'"I don't think this is working",' Amneris imitated. 'I can see that, Xix!' She gestured to the girl behind her. 'This would be easier if you didn't want us to save the humans.'

'Me! You wanted to help them just as much!'

'That was before I realised they were Human!'

Xix let out a frustrated cry. 'What is it with you and Humans? They're not inherently evil!'

'They're animals.'

'We're animals, too.' 

Amneris glared at her sister. 'What do you suggest we do with them?'

Xix gestured around them, at the reforming shadows. 'We don't have much choice. They are clearly lost. We should take them with us.'


They took off again. As they moved, Amneris begun muttering under her breath. 'First I lose my power, now I have to take them Humans back with us. Could this get any worse?' She noticed the girl watching her. Amneris sighed, switching to English. 'We're taking you back with us. We'll . . . figure out what to do with you there.' If we get back.

* * * * * * * * 

Amneris decided she would've been better off going for the other two Humans. this one just wouldn't take the hint! She was trying to focus on events and her now frustrating feeling of weakness but the Human kept pestering with questions.

Where are we? Where are we going? Is this Earth? So, it's not Earth?

Amneris felt her body tense with each question. All she wanted was to go home, have a nice mug of salahb, and rant to her family. Babysitting Humans was not part of the plan.

'Could you at least tell me where we're going?' the girl asked.

'Home,' Amneris said. 

'And by home you mean . . .'

'A place where one lives.'

The girl almost laughed. 'Like, another planet?'

Amneris sighed. 'Yes, another planet.' 

She pulled a hand from the handles of the bike, holding it out before her. Blue mist surrounded her fingertips, moving to encase her hand and wrist. The blue mist shot out of her hand to form a swirling portal further ahead. Amneris and Xix aimed their bikes toward it. 

'Can you please tell me your name?' the girl tried again.


They disappeared into the portal. 

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now