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Leo, Carmin, Aurora and Arthur reached the top of the path out of the canyon. Where they were immediately attacked by Rebels. Leo tackled Arthur into cover behind a boulder. Carmin grabbed Aurora, taking off into the sky with her. Aurora screamed at the speed, holding onto Carmin with all her strength. 

They stopped suddenly. Aurora made the mistake of looking down. "Oh, boy, that's high," she said with a shaking voice. Her eyes landed on Arthur and Leo. Her fear was forgotten. "Is there anything we can do?"

Carmin hummed thoughtfully. "We do not know what powers you have, and you don't know how to activate them. I can help them but I need to get you somewhere safe first."

"Fuck safe! I'm not leaving Arthur down there to get killed!"

Carmin clicked her tongue. "Fine, you can come. Try not to get killed."

* * * * * * * * 

Carmin dropped Aurora behind a tree and dashed forward. She unsheathed her katana from her spine. With one swipe, she cut one attacker in half. Before Carmin could move to attack another, some turned their weapons on her. With a yelp, Carmin returned to the sky, twisting this way and that to avoid the energy blasts. At this rate, there was no chance she would get close enough!

* * * * * * * *

Aurora watched the winged woman. She had to do something! She couldn't just stand by and watch! But what could she do? She was just an ordinary Human. Sure, she had a wicked swing when pissed enough but she wasn't a fighter. It'd never been her thing. And even then, she knew nothing about fighting. Oh, if only she knew how to activate those powers she apparently had!

Aurora's eyes dropped to a large branch. She picked it up, giving hit a firm whack to figure out how strong it was. It held against the stone. Okay, so she had a --sort of--weapon. Now what? Attack? Try to help Carmin? Try to help Leo and Arthur?

Oh, this was so gonna get her killed, but there was no way in Hell she was staying put.

With the Rebels distracted by the other three, Aurora ran forward, wielding the branch like a bat. She whacked one Rebel in the back of the head with all her strength. He slumped forward but she was already moving, spinning on one foot to smash the branch into a second's face. A crack of bone told her she'd broke their nose. 

The Rebels had noticed her by now. As one, they all turned their weapons on her. They fired.

* * * * * * * *

Amneris ran through the canyon, Nikki at her side as a large black-and-yellow cheatah. Xix and Zoe held onto her fur, struggling to keep up with the speed. They were racing up the path out, jumping over the stream, leaping from stone to stone, and passing by the bodies of the fallen. There was no need for fighting. It appeared Carmin and Leo had taken out everyone blocking their way.

The sound of fighting came from ahead. Amneris exchanged glances with her three friends. There was no way those sounds were a good thing. The Rebels must've ambushed the group. She knew Carmin and Leo could handle themselves but the Humans? 

Reaching the top of the path out of the canyon, the four skidded to a halt. They stared at what they saw. 

* * * * * * * *

Aurora screamed over the noise of the blasters, holding up her arms in a helpless attempt to protect herself. She braced herself for impact--

But nothing. 

Opening her eyes, Aurora saw what stopped them. A shield of bright pink energy was covering her. Aurora knew it wasn't coming from the others. She stared in wonder at the shield, at her glowing hands. It had come from her. Maybe now she had a chance to get some payback.

Without a second thought, Aurora pushed her power--her power!--at the Rebels. The shield turned to pink fire, tearing at the Rebels, striking them from every direction. They had no chance of escaping. The fire cleared with a wave of her hands. The Rebels were gone, piles of ash where they had been standing.

Aurora stood, breathing hard, her glow fading. 

She fell to her hands and knees, wanting to vomit but nothing came up. Gods, she felt sick. She'd killed those people. She'd never killed anything before. Not even spiders (she made Arthur do that). Seeing other people kill was one thing, but doing it herself. The thought alone caused her to throw up on the spot. The queasiness eased slightly.

Two hands appeared on her back. Arthur knelt on one side, Xix on the other. 

A shadow crossed over her vision. Aurora looked up to see a cheatah--what?--sitting in front of her. It smiled a toothy grin and changed into Nikki. The woman held out a hand and pulled Aurora to her feet. She swayed, Arthur and Xix helping her stand.

"Don't worry," Nikki said softly, "we all had similar reactions our first time. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

"And," Carmin continued as she landed, "it would seem you have now activated your power."

"Glass half full, huh?" Aurora let out a breath. "I think I'll be okay."

"Good," Amneris said as she and Zoe joined them. "We should really get out of here before more show up."

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt