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To say the machine was 'big' was putting it lightly. The machine wasn't big. It was massive.

The machine was made of what looked like silver. It had three large circles, each larger than the one beneath it, which spun constantly, creating the illusion of the machine being a perfect sphere. At the centre of the three circles was a smaller one, only it hovered without moving. At the top and bottom of the central sphere were two small golden pyramids, the top letting off what looked like white lightning, the bottom letting off red lightning. Where the two colours met was a hovering, glowing sphere of red-white energy. The colours mixed together, creating one of the most famous symbols of balance: the taijitu symbol, better known as ying and yang.

The entirety of the machine hovered over a bottomless pit with only a small walkway leading from where the group stood at the top of the cavern, down to the machine and to the innermost circle. Overall, the machine took up the entire cavern. It was at least the size of five football fields. The group looked like ants beside it. 

'How the hell do you build something like that . . .' Aurora breathed.

'How the hell do you build an inverted pyramid?' Amneris laughed. 'Or that famous Sphinx statue?' She shook her head. 'These are things you'll probably never get the answer to.'

Xix sighed. 'Please stop trying to be clever, Sister.'


'But to answer your question, Aurora,' she continued, 'it takes a lot of time, effort, work, and just a hint of ancient magic.'

Zoe braced a hand on her hip. 'This thing has a shred of power from both the Photon and Silent Cores. The theory was that, since they keep the balance throughout Creation, they could be used to measure that balance. And it was a pretty solid theory.' She pointed toward the three spinning circles. 'Those are made of two silver alloys you'll only find on Lyriumia and Terpola.'

Xix nodded. 'Right. The Blue and Red Crystals were mixed in to create the energy channeled by the two pyramidia which sustain the energy from the Photon and Silent Cores' powers, allowing them to mix in a way that shows the current power balance-'

'So you can see which is stronger at any given time,' Arthur finished. 'Okay, that's pretty impressive.'

Aurora nudged him. 'Since when are you a science geek.'

'Hey, just 'cause you're the nerd doesn't mean I don't listen.' 

'How does it actually work, though?' Aurora asked, ignoring her cousin.

Zoe answered, 'The three outer spheres create a field to kept the power flowing while also stopping it from escaping. The power forms a taijitu and, depending on the current state of balance, one of the two sides will show a greater amount of power.'

'So if there's more white, there's more good, and if there's more red, there's more evil?'


'There is a machine like this closer to home, but . . .' Leo grimaced. 'Well, let's just say it's a lot harder to reach.'

Amneris clapped her hands. 'Zoe, Xix, we're going to have a closer look. The rest of you can stand guard.'

Nikki pointed toward Aurora and Arthur. 'Uh, mortal Humans.'

'Just keep them out of trouble, Niks.' 

'Whatever you say.' Nikki eyed the pair almost hungrily. They shivered.

* * * * * * * *

The rotating exterior circles were even bigger up close and moved as a blur. Amneris, Xix and Zoe stood on the narrow walkway, staring up at them. The walkway went straight through the circles so the three would have to walk through something moving at faster than eye speeds. A concern in any other situation, but not this one. 

The three walked straight through the circles without a problem, the metal used in a way that it was able to phase through their bodies without causing harm, only a slight tingling sensation. 

They didn't have to get much closer to see how bad things were turning.

"Well . . ." Xix breathed.

"No way that's good," Amneris agreed.

Zoe grimaced. "I mean, it's not one hundred percent-"

Amneris cut her off by gesturing at the machine. "Do you see how fast that's moving?"

The red light of the taijitu was stronger than the white. With each second that passed, a little more of the white light vanished as the red moved slowly but surely to overtake it. Another small section of white light flizzled, turning to a faint pink. 

Throughout Creation, those who used dark power would find themselves suddenly a lot stronger as those with light power grew weaker. Those with good hearts would begin to question themselves as those with dark hearts would finally make their moves. More damage and loss would be done that could be properly measured. They had to get things back to normal and fast. Once the taijitu became entirely red . . . 

Zoe pulled a small square from her pocket, unfolding it to created a handled electronic tablet. A strand of golden light connected itself to the machine from the tablet. She begun tapping away. "Let me get these readings and we can go."

"How long?" Amneris asked.

"Just a few more . . ." The strand vanished. Zoe folded the tablet, returning it to her pocket. "Okay, let's go."

* * * * * * * * 

"Looks like they're done," Leo said, crouching at the edge of the cliff, watching the three tiny figures follow the path back up.

"Thank the Gods," Nikki groaned. "Hopefully we can leave before something happens."

Leo huffed a laugh. "That would be the day."

Aurora and Arthur exchanged worried glances.

"Does something usually happen?" Aurora asked cautiously. The looks Nikki and Leo gave her were answer enough. "Oh boy."

Arthur crossed his arms. "You have a plan to get out of here, don't you?"

Leo stood, hands resting on the hilts of his gladii. "The usual plan works well enough."

"Which is . . .?"

"Run like Hell."

Arthur threw his hands in the air. Aurora merely sighed. She grabbed his arm and took him a few steps away to where she thought was out of earshot.

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"We could die," Arthur hissed.

Aurora blinked. "Apart from that." She took his hands. "Don't worry, Cuz. We will get out of here and back home. I just know it."

"Wish I had your optimism." He huffed a laugh. "Aren't I supposed to be the one who protects you?"

Aurora smiled. "I mean, apparently, but it wouldn't be the first time."

"You two are adorable," Amneris said as she appeared, "but we really should get moving before we're inevitably attacked." 

Arthur fixed her with a flat stare. "About this attack thing, what are we supposed to do when that happens?"

She shrugged. "The best you can."

Xix whacked the back of her sister's head. "Do you two know anything about fighting?"

"No," they answered. 

"Prob-lem," Amneris sang cheerfully. Xix whacked her again.

Leo became thoughtful for a moment. "I have a terrible idea."

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now