Amneris' Message

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You're probably wondering what happened next, right? You're probably saying 'Amneris! How could you interrupt a killer story like that?! Cliff-hanger much?!' I'm right, aren't I? Oh, come on. You can't fool me. I know you're wondering what happened next.

The thing is, in order to tell you what happened next, I'm going to have to backtrack a bit. I mean, what's the point of telling a story if you don't understand what the fuck is going on? I'll give you a brief backstory of what's been happening over the course of my after life to get us started and, hopefully, on the same page.

First thing's first.

Hello! The name is Amneris Topanga. I'm the Guardian of this all-powerful source of energy known as the Photon Core a.k.a the ultimate power of light within the multiverse and bane of my very existence. Over the last five thousand years of my life – and afterlife – I've been put through so. Much. Shit. I'm not even kidding. Where do I begin? I died at fourteen, was brought back to life, became Queen of Lyriumia, formed my Court after much death and many mishaps, etcetera etcetera etcertera. But wait! There's more!

The war I've been a part of my whole existence came back into light when the Terpolites attempted to free their psychotic king Enliatu back from his prison in Negative Space. They succeeded. I destroyed both him and myself to stop him from destroying the multiverse. Blah blah blah. Not important. Mainly because I can't die. So I ended up somehow reforming and was brought back from certain death. Again. Then, to top it all off, I found out the guy I had a thing for was my long-dead mate. Go figure.

You'd think that would be enough excitement for my afterlife, right?


After making peace with the Terpolites (sort of) my mother decided 'hey I haven't tried to kill my daughter in a few thousand years. I should do that' and freed one of the Frozen Ones. Basically, they're these ancient Terpolite warriors who answer to no one expect the Silent Guardian. So, my Court and myself, along with some new allies, ended up running around the multiverse attempting to track down Enliatu's daughter Xix. The funny thing is that she found us. Anyway, after that we had to face these trials to stop the end of the multiverse (thanks a lot, mother). We beat them, the multiverse was saved, it was revealed that Xix is the Hybrid and I'm the Eternal. Yadda yadda yadda. You know the drill.

Things were good for a while after that. At least, until this psycho with a magic book showed up which led to a while new adventure with this weird girl Aurora, her cousin Arthur, and their ghost friend Lydia. The three of them came from another multiverse which the nutter with the book was planning to fuse with my own once we reached Flyst. As if things weren't complicated enough!

Okay, I think that brings you up to speed. Well, a little ahead of speed. I'll back up a few days. That'll help you understand the story. Probably . . .

Hey, it ain't my fault if you don't. I don't understand what the fuck I'm doing most of the time.

Uh, don't tell anyone I said that, yeah? Got a reputation to maintain and whatnot. 

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now