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A few days later, Aurora and Arthur were driving to school. Somehow, Arthur managed to deal with Aurora's constant complaining about not wanting to go back for almost the entire trip. Lydia had become sick of it and vanished to wherever she usually went when she left the pair--Aurora guessed the Spirit World. Lydia had been going there more often since the Veil was resorted, making sure things were where they were supposed to be and helping out the souls that entered her particular afterlife.

Arthur finally snapped when they arrived at the school, Aurora refusing to even get out of the car, instead sitting there with her arms crossed stubbornly. 

'You've saved the world. You've returned spirits to the other side. You've faced death and been to the afterlife. And, yet, you won't walk through those gates.' He pointed toward the large black metal gates in front of the school, just behind the parking lot.

Aurora shook her head, refusing to make eye contact and instead fingering the ankh pendant she always wore. 'Why do I have to go in if I don't want to?'

'Because school is important!'

That made her turn to him. She narrowed her eyes. 'Who are you?'

Arthur rolled his eyes. 'I will carry you if I have to.' 

'Do it.'

He picked her up by the waist and carried her to the other side of the car before going back for her bag.

Aurora groaned as she took it from him. 'I hate you.'

'No you don't.' 

* * * * * * * * 

They didn't see each other again until their second class for the day. Aurora had just dumped her music class notes in her locker, pulling out her ancient history books and slamming the door behind her when Arthur appeared behind her in that annoying quiet way that made her jump.

She gave him a withering glare. 'One of these days, I'm going to tie a bell around your neck so I can hear you coming.'

Arthur laughed. That was when Aurora realised he wasn't alone.

Eli stood beside him and somehow managed to say with a straight face, 'Didn't know you had a kinky side.'

That only made Arthur laugh more. Aurora found herself joining, linking their arms as the three of them wandered toward their classroom. 

'I hate ancient,' Eli said with a dramatic sigh. 'What's the point of looking at dead things.'

'They're not all dead things,' Aurora told him. 'Besides, I hear it's important to know the past so we don't make the same mistakes in the present and future.'

Arthur begun counting on his fingers. 'War, horrid politics, mass murder, climate change. Oh, yeah, we're doing great at not repeating things.' 

She bumped her hip against his as they reached the classroom. 'You know what I mean, idiot.'

'Whatever you say, Space Girl.'

The door was open. Students took up their self-proclaimed spot. Aurora took up her usual spot in the middle of the classroom, Arthur beside her and Eli beside him. It was their system. They knew who sat where so there were never any arguments. Almost. 

A whistle came from behind, causing the three to turn. Theo starting giving Aurora what she had come to call his 'I want you' eyes. She flipped him off and turned back to the front of the room.

The teacher called roll then stepped to the front of the room. He pressed a button on the remote in his hand. The projector flickered to life. He begun flipping through slides that looked like they were made at 2 a.m.--the spelling was that horrid--and spoke.

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now