Epilogue - Krobocix

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In a place far away, somewhere that had never been seen, a Being made of pure energy sat at the centre of everything. It was their purpose, what they had been made to do. Born from a place long since forgotten, an idea lost to the eons and eons passing by. It was their job to watch, to create, to learn, to sit in the eternal everything, the many worlds they'd created rotating around them, each demanding a moment of attention.

Each world was very similar but very different. They all started out with identical creation methods back when the Being first begun, but they soon became curious. They tweaked with the myriad megaverses, making the slightest of changes to each new one, watching everything unfold to see what would be different from the very first. But there was one in particular the being had an interest in at the moment. 

There was one megaverse where an error had been created. The Being hadn't been the one to create it, it had come about on its own, a series of events that even they had not seen coming taking place the first time around. The Being had tried in later rebirths to correct this error, but things always ended the same way. There was no apparent way to break the cycle that never should have happened.

The Being couldn't help their curiosity. They always knew what would happen, what the outcome would be, but this was the first time they ever noticed something they could not explain. The deities they'd created to carry out their orders and report back had no explanation. They were just as confused. No twist of fate, no change of destiny could bring about an end to this cycle. So, the Being came up with another way.

One day, the error in that megaverse became so strong it survived into where the Being lived, into what they called Beyond. The Being welcomed the error happily and spoke with them. The error was interesting, asking for answers that even the Being could not give. Together, they would watch the many megaverses surrounding them, learning what they could to find a way to break a cycle. Even so, their time would come to an end soon enough.

The error would return to the world they once called home and become a light on the God Worlds, waiting for their end. It would only come once their power was depleted, in what they called the End Fires, but still the cycle would continue. Another version of the glitch was always born to replace the fallen. 

The Being watched on as this version took a similar to the path of Before. Similar, but not identical. Something had changed. Another megaverse had found a way to travel into Beyond, into worlds similar but different from their own. While this had happened last time, the change had been further help from Beyond. The Being watched on with great interest as those so far below were returned home, the ways to travel into Beyond once again lost. 

But still the cycle continued. Despite the changes, things remained as they should on the path for the error to continue. The damage to their world had been done. Cracks were forming in the Walls keeping worlds within that megaverse apart. It was only a matter of time before they fell, but the Being would not interfere. Instead, they watched. 

It would take time for those below to see the effects, for the story to continue. It would take time for the error to take action, to be drawn into a world so far from home. It would take time for things to continue along their path, for the error to once visit the Being so far away from all.

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