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The loud honking sound took everyone off guard. A few people jumped, some screamed, and others--though Aurora would never admit to being a part of this group--swore like crazy.

The teacher, for his part, just looked confused. 'There wasn't supposed to be a . . .' His eyes widened. 'Students! Lockdown alarm. You all all know what to do.' 

Aurora, Arthur and Eli closed the blinds as fast they could as three others worked on the other side of the room. The teacher locked the door and turned off the lights. The class hid out of view of the door. The room became dead silent and filled with tense energy.

Aurora nudged her cousin. She whispered, 'Did the teacher say this wasn't  a drill?' He nodded. 'Damn.'

Theo, who was annoyingly on her other side, opened his mouth to say something probably idiotic when a shadow crossed the small amount of light coming through the door. Aurora slammed her hand over his mouth. Arthur put a protective arm around her shoulders, pushing her closer to the wall. 

Aurora found herself unable to take her eyes off the shadow in those few moments. From what she could tell, there was only one person. Their shadow appeared to be female. Well, either that or a guy with a very high, long, curled ponytail and hips. The thought was enough to bring a small smile to her mouth despite the very real situation. 

The shadow moved.

Aurora waited a few seconds before taking her hand off Theo's mouth. 'Are you trying to get us killed?' she hissed. 

Arthur yanked her away. 'If you're going to do that, do it later.' She only nodded. He looked down. 'Uh, Aurora, your pendant is glowing.' 

She glanced toward it, quickly covering the glow with her hand. No one else seemed to have noticed. The glow vanished. 'That was weird.' 

* * * * * * * * 

After what felt like an hour, everyone was starting to get restless. Small amounts of chatter could be heard, though everyone made sure to keep their voices low. Eli turned on his watch's light, covering it with a hand. He showed it to Aurora and Arthur. Only twenty minutes had passed. 

The sound of footsteps on the roof made everyone go quiet. Aurora's pendant begun to glow. The footsteps came closer . . . Closer . . .

The roof came down, students shrieking as they jumped out of the way, turning away from the sight.  

Looking through the dust, Aurora could make out the same outline the shadow from earlier had created. When it finally cleared, everyone got a good look at the person standing before them. It was nothing like anything they'd ever seen! Their skin seemed to have a metallic glint and they were dressed in silver full-body armour. Their bright blue hair was tied in a very high ponytail, the tips brushing the end of their spine. The figure turned to face Aurora. She froze. The figure had one green eye, the other brown and . . . robotic? 

The figure stood upright, keeping their gaze on Aurora. They glanced to her pendant and smiled, speaking in a mechanical voice. 'So, you're the one in this world. It does not matter. You don't know how to control the power. I will complete my mission by Flyst, Aurora Diaz, and you will not be able to stop me.'

The figure laughed, taking off through the hole in the ceiling. 

Aurora stood, dashing to where they had stood and watched them fly away.

Arthur came to stand beside her. 'Rocked-powered boots?' He laughed. 'Oh, I gotta get me some of those.' 

'Not the time!'

Aurora dashed to the door, unlocking it and running after the figure, Arthur close behind.

* * * * * * * * 

'If you're thinking of going after the cyborg, it's a very bad idea.'

Cyborg? Aurora glanced at her spirit friend flying beside her. 'A little late on the input, Ly.' 

The figure--cyborg--flew over the rooftops of classrooms, landing on the other side of the locked entry gates. Aurora climbed over them, landing on her feet. Arthur had a less graceful landing, though recovered quickly.

The cyborg laughed a mechanical laugh. 'The three of you will not be able to stop me.' 

They froze. Lydia backed away until she was behind Aurora. 'You can see me?'

It laughed again. 'The Diaz family is far from the only one with the gift, spirit. My power is far greater. I can see beyond this world, beyond you world. I know she can feel the weakness in their walls.' This was directed to Aurora. 

She grasped her glowing pendant. It hummed in her hand. 'All I can feel is that I'm talking to another psycho.'

The cyborg clicked its tongue. 'A pity. I really thought you were the one. Even so, I cannot allow you to even consider interfering with my mission.' 

They raised a hand toward her, lifting Aurora off the ground. She struggled against the invisible force surrounding her but couldn't get free! The cyborg raised its other hand, creating some sort of swirling light in the air. A strong wind tugged Aurora toward it. The cyborg released their grip on her. She had enough time to think "oh, not again" before flying forward. 

Arthur leapt forward, grabbing her arms. But he wasn't strong enough, the draft pulling him forward. 'Any time you want to help, Lydia!' he yelled. 

'Working on it!'

Lydia accessed her power, a dark mist surrounding the pair. Slowly, they were pulled away from the light. 

The cyborg scowled. 'I don't think so.' They snapped their fingers. The mist vanished. 

The three were sucked into the light. 

Enchained WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 4]Where stories live. Discover now