V. Fights

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CW: Homophobic slurs and blood

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CW: Homophobic slurs and blood

June 5th, 1977

One thing Regulus had realized in the last 6 years was that he was gay. He just never was interested in girls like all his friends besides Remus who was also gay, but Regulus was the only one who knew that and Remus was the only one that knew about him. Also Regulus had a crush on James.

Currently they were eating breakfast. "Fucking hell Pete." Regulus gasped covering his mouth. Peter had just got done telling them about his most recent girlfriend and giving them to much information on their little closet... meetup.

"Damn I wish I could do that with Evans." James said dreamily and the three boys rolled their eyes.

"We know James." They said in sink. Marlene, Lily, Mary, and Dorcas walked over to them.

"What are you boys talking about." Marlene smirked sitting down next to Regulus and putting their arm around him.

"Oh just Peter's love life and James of course brought Lily into it. The red head rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything.

"Anyone sparking your interests yet Remus?" Marlene asked.

"Not yet Marls. I'll tell you when I do thought." Remus stated glancing up from the book he was reading.

"You know. We've all had crushes before or dated someone besides Reg over here. What's up with that?" Mary asked.

"Oh um." Remus give him a look that said 'you can do this' "I'm gay."

Peter and Lily spit out their drinks, James's mouth fell open, Mary smirked, Dorcas just shrugged, and Marlene looked like she wanted to start jumping up and down. "YES WELCOME TO THE QUEER CLUB REG." They screamed.

Regulus quickly covered their mouth, hoping his brother, barty, and snape didn't hear that. Regulus was not very lucky today because half of the slytherin table heard it including his brother and his friends. Also some people from the Ravenclaw and Slytherin tables heard it causing Emmeline the come over. "Marlene! Quite! Half the great hall just heard that, but congrats Reg."

"Thanks." He said quickly. "I have to go." He rushed out the great hall, not realizing his brother and friends following him. Once he got down a few corridors the slytherins came into his sight and surrounded him. "Oh um hello.... Sirius."

"You are a disgrace Regulus Black!"

"Yeah I know." Regulus continued walking until he felt a curse hit his back. He winced in pain and turned around to see his brothers and Barty's wands pointed at him.

"Fucking faggot."

"Your the one to talk." Regulus smirked and this seemed to piss Sirius off because he threw another curse at Regulus. He had worse thrown at him before so these didn't bother him.

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