XVII. Cheater

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Regulus Black had messed up, bad.

It had been a week and he still hadn't told James and Remus had to do what was right even if it was going to destroy their friend group.

Regulus was sitting at the Ravenclaw table in between Barty and Pandora when James came storming over to them. He practically dragged Regulus out of the great hall and into an empty classroom. Some people may have thought he was mad, but he wasn't cause all he felt at that moment was hurt. "Please tell me it isn't true. Please tell me that what Remus said wasn't true."

James voice was weak and he had tears that were threatening to go pour out of his eyes. Regulus. Regulus gave him a sorry look and James backed away and a tear escaped his eyes. "James I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Regulus apologized.

James shook his head. "Regulus stop. Don't apologize when you don't actually mean it."

"But, I do!"

"You don't though!"

He stopped for a moment and thought. He hadn't felt bad and cried all week at the fact that he was cheating on James, he just continued to cheat on him. In fact, he never cared about his friends as much as he should have all these years. He didn't even care as much about Pandora and Barty as he should. He let his parents manipulate him as a kid until he realized that what they said wasn't true and that he wanted to be a Gryffindor. James was right and he was an asshole.

"You're right." Regulus agreed quietly.

James froze. "What?"

"You're right." James opened his mouth to reply when Peter and Remus came walking in. "I need to talk to you guys."

Peter raised a confused eyebrow, not knowing what was even happening, but Remus just pushed him in a seat and sat in the one next to Peter. James sat down on the other side of Peter and Regulus sat across from them. "What the hell is happening?!" Peter exclaimed. "Why is everyone looking at each other like you want to kill each other!"

Remus leaned over to whisper in Peters ear and Peter leaned over to whisper back. Regulus rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his chair. "Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Regulus asked coldly.

"Is there something you would like to share with the class Black, like why you cheated on James or why you are constantly researching the dark lord like his little fan club of Slytherin's. Are you trying to impress him?" Remus stated matching Regulus's cold tone and attitude.

James turned his gaze away from the floor and stared at Regulus in shock. "What?!"

Regulus let out a scoff. "That's none of your fucking business Lupin."

"How about your death eater boyfriend? Trying to help out or impress him?"

"Your the one to talk?"

James realized how pissed Remus got at that statement and put his arm out in front of Remus to stop him from jumping across the table at Regulus or pulling out his wand the hex him. "Okay okay, let's all take deep breaths and calm down. What did you want to talk to us about Reg."

"I was going to say sorry and that we shouldn't be friends anymore because i'm obviously not a good friend nor boyfriend."

"Obviously." Remus muttered.

Regulus ignored him. "I'm sorry for all the times I lied to you Remus. I'm sorry for all the times I snapped at you Peter for stupid reasons and James i'm sorry for cheating and betraying your trust. I'm sorry and I just think we shouldn't be friends anymore and I would appreciate if you would stop trying to kill me Remus. Bye." Regulus stated and he walked out.

"You good James?" Peter asked.

James shrugged. "Decent."


Pandora and Barty were sitting under one of the Hogwarts trees when Regulus came walking over to them. They were the only ones out there and when Pandora realized Regulus looked like he was going to loose it she spoke. "Regulus what's wrong."

He sat down next to her and she wrapped her arms around him. "I messed up Dora. Bad." He sobbed.

"What happened?" She frowned.

It hit Barty. "They know now don't they?" He asked and Regulus's little nod confirmed it. "Shit. I'm sorry Reg."

Regulus sat up, unwrapping his arms from Pandora's torso and wiping away a few tears that he had just let out. "It's fine. I just feel like i'm the worst person ever. I mean i'm messed up and a terrible friend and who knows how long it is before I cheat on you too Barty!"

"Reg don't say that. You are an amazing friend." Pandora frowned.

"You're just saying that." Regulus's stated, picking at the grass below him.

"Reg I love you and you making one mistake isn't going to change that. You aren't just my boyfriend, but my best friend too." Barty smiled.

"I don't believe you." Regulus frowned.

"I would never lie about that love."

Regulus rolled his eyes, just wanting to be alone. "Look guys i'm sorry, but I need a break. I don't know if I can hang out with you guys right now because I have to much negative shit floating through my head right now."

They both nodded understandably. "And that's completely fine Reg. Take all the time you need and just don't do anything stupid." Pandora smiled.

Regulus gave Barty a quick peck on the lips before standing up and brushing off his trousers. "Bye guys."

"Bye Reginald." They both stated.


Regulus arrived in his dorm that was luckily only occupied by Peter. He took his robes and vest off before muttering a silencing spell and drawing his curtains closed. He curled up in a ball and just cried.

He realized he hadn't let himself do that all year. He had tons bottled up emotions from being disowned, being confused on who he liked, cheating on James, and a bunch of other things.

Suddenly Snuffles jumped up onto his bed. He uncurled himself from a ball. She let out a meow before she rubbed her face against his face, affectionally. Regulus let out a shaky laugh as she curled up his chest and he scratched behind her ear. "You really do know how to make people smile don't you?" Regulus smiled. She let out another meow.

Regulus fell asleep like that with Snuffles on his chest that night.

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