XXII. Hospital Wing

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Sunday- 11:20 PM

Regulus had thought he dead until he woke up in the hospital wing two days later. His eyes fluttered open and he looked to his side where Pandora was sitting in the chair next to the bed and James and Xenophilius were talking on the floor in front of her. When Pandora saw Regulus she hit James on the arm who looked up hopefully and smiled when he saw Regulus his face lit up. "You're alive!" James yelled jokingly.

Regulus stifled a laugh before wincing in pain. "Holy shit- my chest hurts like hell. This is way worse than last time."

"Yeah no shit, you were unconscious for two days." Xenophilius stated.

"TWO DAYS?!" Regulus yelled before wincing in pain again.

"Yeah, we were beginning to think you were dead or in a comma or some other shit." Pandora stated.

"I thought I was dead, but turns out i'm not." He wanted to add 'sadly', but thought that would be to dark for the conversation.

"Ah, Mr Black! You are awake!" Came Madam Pomfreys voice from the door as she rushed over to his side. She pointed to the door and the three seventh years rolled their eyes before exiting the room.

She checked Regulus's chest and told him that he would spend the next week at the most there and then he would be able to leave. He was also allowed one visitor a day for entertainment.


Monday- 9:05 AM

Regulus was eating strawberries when Xenophilius Lovegood walked into the hospital wing holding some chocolates. "Hey Reg!" He smiled. Regulus gave him a small wave before going back to staring at the ceiling and eating strawberries. "What have you been doing."

"Well I didn't sleep one bit last night and this place is boring as shit." Regulus complained. "And I can't even sit up by myself so i'm great."

Xenophilius stifled a laugh and handed him the box of chocolates. "Well I got you some get well soon chocolates and I have some messages from people."

"And what are those?" Regulus asked, suddenly interested.

"Pandora says that she is sorry she couldn't come today and she would be here if she didn't have detention for cussing out Rosier in Potions for talking shit about you again."

"Typical Pandora." Regulus sighed. "The world doesn't deserve her."

"Very much agreed. James also is in detention this afternoon for getting in a fight with Snape so I agreed to come hang out with you."

"Of course he did." Regulus scoffed with a eye roll. "Great look for the head boy."

The Ravenclaw boy laughed before rolling his eyes. "Also Wise told me that he would kill me if I didn't ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with you next weekend."

He had to admit, Curan Wise was a attractive bloke. He was a ginger with green eyes. He had faded freckles under his eyes and on his nose and his ears were pierced. He was also the Hufflepuff chaser and now Captain like Regulus. He was also usually wearing a sweater. He had been trying to get a date with Regulus for the last year. I mean Regulus deserved to go on a date after having two relationships that ended badly. "Tell him i'll think about it and that he can come here sometime so we can talk about it."

Xenophilius gave him a shocked look. "Damn didn't think you were going to say yes after everything that just happened and that I would have to break the boys poor heart."

"Well he's attractive and I think I deserve another shot at dating someone." Regulus shrugged.

"Of course you do Regulus, you deserve it more than anyone. I'll be sure to tell him at lunch today and you will probably see him Wednesday because I know Hufflepuff has practice tomorrow after classes, but speaking of classes, I have to get to mine so bye."

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