XXV. Jealousy, Jealousy

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It had been two months and Christmas break was in two weeks which meant Regulus had only two weeks left of being free of the dark lord and his wonderful parents so he came to the decision that he was going to talk to Curan today who had asked him to be his boyfriend last week and he had said yes obviously. 

He left his last class of the day, which was Care of Magical Creature, and headed to the courtyard where he figured the Hufflepuff was. Surely, when he got there Curan was talking to a Hufflepuff girl in their year, sitting against one of the oak trees. He appeared to be helping her with a paper.

Curan smiled when he looked up and saw Regulus standing there. "Hey Reg!"

"Hi." Regulus waved. "Can we talk about some stuff?"

Curan nodded and turned back to the girl. "Could you give us a minute alone?" She nodded and started the gather her stuff. "You can come down to my dorm later if you still need help."

"Yeah sounds great, thanks Curan." The girl smiled before walking away. 

Regulus sat down next to Curan and connecting their hands. "Who is she? I know I've seen her before, but I can't think of who she is." He mused.

Curan nodded "You probably have and I would be shocked if you haven't cause that's Frank Longbottoms sister, Diana Longbottom."

"Oh that's how I know her."

"But, what did you want to tell me?"

Now that he was actually here, it was way for nerve racking. "Please say you won't freak out."

Curan raised an eyebrow. "How serious is this?"

Regulus looked at his feet awkwardly. "I'm going back to my parents."

Curan looked shocked and slightly hurt. "I- um- can I ask why?" He asked cautiously. 

"Its a long story." Regulus said, desperately trying to find excuses to protect his boyfriend from the dangerous truth.

"I have time." 

"I have homework, I should go."

"Regulus stop making excuses, we are dating now and have to communicate."

Regulus gave him a sorry and understanding look. "Look what i'm about to tell you could put you in big danger, like bad. You could die. Only one other person knows about this. I need to know if you accept the risk."

Curan thought hard about it before nodding. Regulus told the story and my the end the Hufflepuff was frowning. "Regulus, no. You don't have to do this. You don't have to be the one to save the world."

"Yes, I do. I have to do this."

Curan's frown deepend and he pulled Regulus into a hug. "I'll do it with you."

Regulus pulled away and looked at him like he was crazy. "What?! No! You can't."

"If you can, I can. Reg please don't make me let you do this on your own."

"I really can't stop you, but know what you are getting into."

"I'll be okay, love." He promised and gave Regulus a quick forehead kiss as the black rested his head on Curan's shoulder. 


Barty was watching them from across the courtyard, feeling jealous. Yes, he still liked Regulus.. a lot and to see him with Curan was torture. He would do anything to take back everything he said and did in that corridor two months ago. He missed him a lot because Barty loved him and always had. He now knew how James felt about him and Regulus. It was like you wanted to kill who they were with so you could be with them instead, but you also didn't want to because then they would be sad, lonely, and surely hate you forever. It made him feel new sympathy for the Gryfindor. 

Sirius rolled eyes. "Barty." No answer. "Barty." No answer. "Barty!" Silence. "BARTIMUS CROUCH JR!" Sirius yelled and Regulus and Curan directed their attention to the two Slytherins.

Barty jumped and quickly looked away. "What?"

"Can you please stop looking at my brother before I loose my shit." 

Barty turned red and looked down at the bench and grass below him. "Sorry.."

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