XVI. Diffrent Rules

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Regulus walked into the library and headed to the back of it to take his usual spot next to Pandora at one of the back tables. "Hey Reg." Pandora smiled brightly up at him.

"Hey." He stated as he plopped down in the seat next to her. "So what have you found out so far."

"Not much. There isn't anything on him in here." She sighed.

"Have you tried the restricted section?"

"No, because i'm not a bad kid."

He rolled his eyes. "Neither am I, but I can look tonight. We need to figure out more information some how."

"How about you ask your boyfriend?"

Regulus raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. "Why the hell would I ask James about the dark lord?"

Pandora sighed. "Do you really think i'm an idiot? I'm talking about Barty."

"He's not a death eater."

"Look I love Barty, but you know just as well as I do that he is going to become a death eater, along with your brother."

Remus appeared around the corner. "Sirius wouldn't because I know him."

Regulus let out a scoff at Pandora. "They aren't going to become death eaters."

"You guys both need to consider it." She stated.

Remus shook his head. "I'm pretty sure we would know if they would be."

Pandora rolled her eyes. "Guys i'm being serious. It's going to happen and there isn't anything you can do about it so you need to set rules in your.... relationships."

Remus gave Regulus a confused look at the last part,  but Regulus just gave him a look that said Later. They both then gave her a unconvinced look and she groaned before turning to Remus. "Has Sirius ever talked about the Dark Lord to you?"

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean he is going to become a death eater."

"And did Barty ever talk to you about him Regulus?"

"Well yeah, but he is a Slytherin, its common when it comes to that house."

Pandora sighed. "Just please talk to them. I'm leaving." She stated as she walked away.

"So you and Barty?" Remus stated.

"Yeah um we kissed New Years." Regulus explained.

"You have one week to tell James or I tell him so I suggest you get your shit together before you break his heart. But, if you don't mind I have a boyfriend to talk to and I suggest you talk to one of yours."

Regulus nodded.


When Remus entered his dorm Sirius was sitting on his bed. The Black looked up when he heard footsteps and smiled when he saw the scarred boy enter the room. "Hey love." Sirius smiled.

"Can we talk?" Remus stated, want to get straight to the point and get this over with.

Sirius hated those three words. "Yeah um sure."

Remus nodded. "Great." He stated as he plopped down next to Sirius. "Do you have any intentions on becoming a death eater?"

Remus's tone was serious and Sirius frowned. "I don't know." He stated, avoiding eye contact with the taller one.

"Well just know, we can date as long as your forearm stays clear."

Sirius nodded understandingly. "Deal."

"Also your brother is an ass."

"Hm, totally didn't know that." Sirius replied sarcastically.


Regulus knocked on the open door of Barty's dorm. When Barty saw no one was there he sighed. "Come in Reg." He stated, trying to hide his smile.

Barty jumped when Regulus tore off the invisibility cloak and appeared next to him and not in the doorway. He hit the blacks arm who started laughing at him. "What the hell Regulus! You scared the living shit out of me!"

Regulus let out a final laugh before searching for Barty's hand and entwining their fingers. "Sorry." He apologized.

"Its fine." Barty stated, waving his free hand dismissively.

"How was your day?"

"Good. I have prefect rounds with Rosier tonight though. I don't even know how the twat managed to get prefect. He isn't very mature." Barty complained.

"Nor do I, but Pandora is making me talk you about something." Regulus stated.

"And what is that thing?" Barty asked, cocking his head to the side curiously.

"The dark mark." Regulus stated.

Barty tensed up and bit his lip nervously. "Oh that." He sighed.

"Yeah that." Regulus nodded.

Barty looked away from the boy in front of him and Regulus noticed how he was fiddling with the rings on his fingers which is something he realized he did when he was nervous. "Look... I know what you are going to ask and the answer is I don't know. I might not, but I probably will so I guess it's my job to warn you that I may show up next year with a dark mark on my forearm so you can decide what you want do about that."

Regulus thought hard about it for a moment before looking at Barty who was staring at him and patiently waiting for a answer. "And that's fine because no matter what messed up shit you believe in, I will still love you. Sure, I would for your forearm to stay clear, but it's not my choice to make. I love you and know that aren't a psychopath like my cousin so therefore I don't care what you choose to do."

Barty smiled. "Thanks for um... understanding?"

Regulus gave Barty's hand a small squeeze. "No problem."

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