XII. Amortentia

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It had been 3 months and Regulus and Barty would hang out at the quidditch pitch or library every night. They had grown closer greatly. Turns out that Barty wasn't the prick everyone perceived him as. He was funny and outgoing and they liked a lot of the same things. Yes, Barty was planning on getting the dark mark after school, but that didn't stop Regulus from hanging out with him. He was still Barty, regardless of his beliefs.

Him and Pandora had also got closer and she would hang out with the two sometimes in the library. Regulus hung out with them more than his boyfriend and friends. Him and James were still a couple, but they weren't how they should be if you asked their friends.

The Gryffindors were sitting in the great hall eating lunch when a paper bird landed on Remus's plate which gained their friends attention. It was only Lily, Regulus, James, and Remus. He sighed before opening it and reading.


Dear Remus,

I'm so sorry. I was a real arsehole, I know. I've been trying to write to you since we got back, but I couldn't find the words.

I like you Remus. I was just being stupid and I panicked. I understand if you don't want to forgive me, but just know I really am sorry, even if this is a shitty apology. Also tell Regulus I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong because he is ignoring me. I feel bad for him. My parents are insane sometimes.



Remus handed the note to Regulus like he should have done last time. Regulus read it over before looking back up at Remus and his curious friends. He handed it to James before speaking. "Well do you want to forgive him?" Regulus asked.

"Maybe... I don't know. He seems sorry." Remus answered.

Regulus nodded as James handed the note to Lily to read. Regulus gave him a smile. "You have my permission."

Remus's face lit up and he reached over the table to hug Regulus. "Thanks Reg." He smiled.

"No problem Moony." Regulus smiled back at him.

Remus made eye contact with Sirius and gestured to the exit. Sirius nodded and quickly slipped out of the great hall shortly after Remus. Remus was waiting for him down the corridor. "Hey Sirius." The tall boy greeted when he saw Sirius coming down the corridor.

"Hey." Sirius smiled. "How have you been?"

"Good. You?"

"Decent. I know I have said this a million times, but i'm sorry. I really am Remus. I'm pretty sure I like you more than I like myself half of the time." Sirius stated, giving Remus a awkward laugh. "I do understand if you never want to see me again though."

Remus just shook his head and grabbed Sirius's hand to connect their fingers. "I believe you." The taller one smiled. "I like you too."

Sirius's face lit up and he stood on his tiptoes to kiss the scarred boy, not caring if anyone saw them at this point. Remus smiled against the kiss and quickly kissed back confidently and passionately. Remus pulled away when he heard people getting up in the great hall. "I'll see you later. Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 8:30."

Sirius gave him a quick thumbs up and kiss on the cheek before walking away with a new feeling of happiness.


Regulus plopped down in his potions seat next to Barty who was talking to Lily. They were fighting over something that Regulus didn't understand. He looked over at Remus who's cheeks were red and he looked out of it. "God. Sirius is turning you into a lovesick idiot." Regulus sighed.

Barty turned to Regulus. "Regulus who is hotter! Me or Evans over here. She said that she is way hotter than my beautiful self."

"You." Regulus shrugged, a tint of red appearing on his cheeks as he looked at his hands nervously.

"Oooo Regulus think i'm cute." Barty teased, poking Regulus's side. Regulus got redder and laughed.

"Stop! No I don't." Regulus laughed. "I like James!" Barty was hot, but he liked James, right? I mean he was his boyfriend. James was hot, but did he actually like him? Regulus closed his eyes and pushed away those thoughts. Why was he even thinking about this right now?

Slughorn came walking into the classroom and smiled at the full classroom. "Hello Students! Today we are going to being brewing Amortentia as I promised the first day. Amortentia is a love potion that causes the person under the potion to fall in love with the person who has given it them. It is fake love though and can only last a certain amount of time. Today, you will be brewing the potion by following the directions in your potions book and smell the potion. You will smell your soulmate/the person you find most attractive. Have fun everyone!"

They all quickly opened up to the page number on the board and began brewing the potion. Their table finished surprisingly quickly. They all stared at the potion they had brewed in silence. Lily was the first to speak. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will." Remus shrugged and not to his surprise he smelt Sirius.

Lily went next and just shrugged. Everyone at the table knew who she liked besides Barty. "It was Paul."

Barty nodded and stated that he would go next. He leaned down to smell the potion and wasn't surprised what he smelt. He smelled cedar and the wood of a quidditch broom, Regulus Black. He looked at the boy and motioned towards the potion.

Regulus nodded and bent down. He knew he would smell James, but he did it anyway. He was shocked when he didn't smell James, but Barty instead. The smell of rich cologne and pine wood came from the potion and Regulus felt shock and confusion rush through his veins.

His facial expression must have changed because Barty put a hand on his shoulder. He felt the now identified feeling of butterflies in his stomach and it all suddenly made sense. The always wanting to touch Barty in some way, the feeling in his stomach, the blushing, and how kissing James felt different now. Holy shit- he liked Barty Crouch Jr.

"Are you okay, Regulus?" Barty asked softly.

"Yeah I'm fine." Regulus lied. Barty nodded and started packing up.

Remus leaned to his side to whisper in Lily's ear. "How much do you want to bet Reggie smelt Barty."

"Oh he definitely did." Lily smirked, looking at the two flustered boys who obviously smelt each other. She looked over to James who was looking at them with sad eyes. Lily assumed that James smelt Regulus and hoped that deep down he knew Regulus didn't smell him.

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