XI. Barty Crouch Jr's Secret

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Barty woke up from another three hour sleep by a book hitting his face. He immediately shot up to see Sirius standing in-front of his head. "OW SIRIUS WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled, rubbing his forehead in pain.

"Well you wouldn't get up mate so I threw something at you." Sirius explained. "Now get up before I throw my trunk at you."

Barty shot him a tired glare before grabbing his vest and robes, putting them on, and grabbing his wand off his nightstand. "Let's go you wanker." He sighed.

Sirius quickly followed behind him as he stepped outside their dorm. Sirius had been put with the boys in the year below him for reasons he didn't know.

The two walked to the great hall in silence. Barty couldn't stop thinking about the night before.


12:05 PM
September 2nd, 1978

Barty was heading back from the library, carefully making sure he wouldn't be caught by Filch. He suddenly collided with someone. He fell to the floor and he heard someone curse, the voice sounded familiar. He pulled out his wand and muttered a Lumos. He pointed the light upward and saw Regulus Black standing in front of him.

Barty felt that annoying flutter that he always felt when he saw the Black. He looked different than he did before the summer. His hair had grown out more and his face had sharpened. His eyes had almost gotten bluer somehow. He looked happier than he usually did. He had on a white shirt and grey-plaid pajama pants on. Freckles were scattered on his nose and under his eyes and his cheeks were slightly tinted pink out of embarrassment. He looked beautiful. As much as he had tried to ignore it, he had always liked the boy.

"Holy shit- I'm so sorry." The boy apologized as he held his hand out to help Barty out.

Barty grabbed his hand and stood up. "Its f-fine." He struggled to get out.

Regulus raised an eyebrow at the flustered boy before nodding. "Why are you out here so late."

"Couldn't sleep so I just went to the library." Barty answered as he smiled at the boy.

"Seems like we think alike Crouch. I'm heading to the library." Regulus smirked.

Barty just nodded and smiled. They were silent for a moment. When Regulus realized he was still holding Barty's hand he quickly let go and looked away awkwardly, flushing a shade of red. Barty felt that stupid flutter in his stomach again at Regulus's flustered state. "I- I should probably um go back to my dorm before Filch finds us." Barty stated awkwardly.

"Yeah good idea. Bye." Regulus smiled.

"Bye." Barty stated before running down the corridor to the dungeons.


Barty walked into Potions. He scanned the tables to see where to sit. There was a table that held his best mates and one that a sad looking Regulus Black sat with that Lupin kid across from him, Lily Evans was next to Remus and they were laughing at something. James Potter was sitting with Mckinnon, Pettigrew, and Macdonald. Barty was surprised he wasn't sitting with his boyfriend.

Rabastan spotted him and motioned for Barty to sit with them, but something inside him told him to sit next to Regulus so he did. When Barty plopped down in the seat Regulus's head snapped up to look at him. The two others gave Barty a confused and shocked look. "What are you doing here?" Regulus asked.

Barty just shrugged. Why was he here? "I have no clue, but are you and James okay? He isn't sitting next to you and you look sad."

"Oh yeah. It was just a stupid fight this morning. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I-." He was interrupted by Slughorn who went over all the potions they would be making that year.

"We will be making Amortentia before Christmas Break. I'm sure you all will be excited about that one." Slughorn stated before going on about what they were making today.

Barty was terrible at potions which annoyed Regulus because he kept on messing up their potion. Remus and Lily had already finished and were staring at them in confusion. Regulus had his hands over Bartys as he directed his hands to do what they were supposed to do, laughing at the boy beside him.

James watched from the other side of the room with a new wave of jealousy? Why was that Crouch kid so interested in Regulus now?

Barty's cheeks were burning up and Regulus told him how to make the potion. The only thing that he was focusing on right now were the boys freckles and beautiful smile or how small curls fell over his forehead and Barty had to fight the urge to reach up and move them out of the way. He liked Regulus so much, but he had a boyfriend and he had to support that.

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