VIII. Disowned

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CW: Child abuse

The train ride was very awkward. They all sat together, but no one said anything besides Peter who desperately tried to lift the mood.

As soon as the train stopped Regulus grabbed his bag and walked out of the compartment, ignoring James who was calling after him.

Regulus found his parents and walked over to them, Sirius followed behind him. "Mother. Father." Sirius greeted simply.

"Sirius." They both replied sharply before glaring at Regulus who was avoiding eye contact with them. Walburga grabbed his hand and they apparated away.

When they got there they ate without a word said.

2 months later...

Regulus snuck up to his room and pulled out a piece of paper to write to James. He wanted to apologize.


James was practicing his flying skills in his garden when his mother came walking out holding an envelope. "James you got a letter!" Euphemia called up to him.

James lowered himself closer to the ground and quickly jumped off, running over to his mother and ripping the letter out of her hands. When he saw Regulus's name neatly written on it he walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

Dear James,

I am very sorry for how I acted. I was just shocked on what was happening. Also I like you too by the way. I'm really sorry I was being a shitty friend. Please tell Remus i'm sorry if you see him this summer and I hope we can be friends or even more when we go back to Hogwarts. I'm sorry if you are mad at me.


James smiled and picked up a quill and parchment from the side table and began to write to Regulus.


Regulus and Sirius had been staying at the Malfoy manor for the last couple days, but they were now on their way back to their house. Regulus was expecting it all to go by calmly when he got home, but he was very wrong.

Walburga and Orion Black were waiting for them when they walked in through the doors. They had stern looks on their faces and were holding an envelope in their hands. Regulus immediately knew what it was and felt fear rush through his veins.

Right before he was about to leave for the manor he received the letter back from James. He didn't have time to read it so he shoved it under his bed, along with the letter from Lily he had received.

"What is wrong Mother?" Sirius asked.

"Ask your brother." Walburga stated. Regulus made eye contact with her, afraid of what she would do if he didn't. She handed him the note and he took it. "Read it out loud." She told him so he did.


Dear Regulus,

I was never mad at you Reg and i'm sorry I kept a secret like that. Remus just told me not to tell because he was scared you would get made at him because he really likes you know who (not sure if i should say it on here for your guy's safety). Remus didn't mean to hurt you. I like you too Reg and I like the idea of being more than friends, but I can work with friends too.

Remus is supposed to come over next week so I will make sure to tell him. I feel bad for the poor boy, he really liked him and I guess he thought he did too, but just remember how you can always come to my house if things get bad. Bye mate. Hope you are safe :)

The one and only James Potter


Regulus knew he was screwed by the end and he knew his parents were going to question the Remus part.

He glanced back at Sirius who looked shocked at what he had just heard. He gave a look to Sirius that Sirius knew all too well because he shook his head, but Regulus just turned to face his parents again. "Would you like to explain why you are writing love letters and apologizes to this blood traitor and why he can't say who this Remus kid likes for your safety." Walburga asked in her normal stern tone.

He could practically see Sirius bite his lip hard in fear with his back turned to the boy. Regulus couldn't let Sirius get hurt for his stupid mistakes, no matter who much of a jerk he was. "It's none of your business." He spat.

"Is it Sirius?" Orion asked.

"It's not! And don't bring him into this!" Regulus yelled.


Sirius who had relaxed moments ago tensed up again. What was going to happen to him? Would his parents kill Regulus for lying. No, they wouldn't go that far would they? Would they hurt Remus? Why was he so stupid to start hanging out with the boy. He was just some stupid Gryffindor that was going to get him killed, but he liked him so much. 

"I'm not lying!"

"We read Pettigrews letter he sent Sirius." Walburga sneered. "I'm disappointed in both of you and especially you Regulus."

They both froze and knew what came next. "Wha-." Sirius started, but was cut off when withdrew his wand and pointed it at Regulus. A green light shot out and hit Regulus square in the chest. The younger one let out a scream of pain as he fell to his knees. Sirius was shocked they hadn't told him to leave the room, but he only guessed that part of his punishment was watching his brother suffer in pain. 

Regulus felt like his cut was being reopened and his insides were burning. The curse was left on him for about 20 seconds. When his father released the curse he used all the strength he had left in him to stand up and get to his room. Half way up the steps he heard Sirius scream. He quickly grabbed a few shirts and pants, shoving them in his trunk. He grabbed snuffles off his bed and made his way down the stairs and to the door.

"The moment you step outside that door you are no longer a black." Walburga threatended. Regulus turned to Sirius who had tears in his eyes. 

Sirius was silently begging him to stay. He didn't want to leave his brother, but he had to for his safety. He stepped outside the door. "Bye Sirius." He stated, shutting the door.

With that Regulus Black was gone. He wasn't Sirius's brother anymore.

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