XXIII. A Fight and Breakup to Start Off the Year

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CW: Blood, brief suicidal mention and a death threat, homophobic slurs, & homophobia (2nd part. The first part is fine)

Sirius was sitting in a compartment with Barty, Evan, Snape, Rabastan, and Stanley who had all become death eaters that summer. He was beyond bored. They were all talking about how amazing the dark lord was. With a huff and eye roll, he stood up. "I'm using the restroom." He lied.

He didn't stay for their response and walked to the compartment that the Marauders had sat in for the last 7 years. They were all comforting a sad-looking Remus which made him feel worse about what he was about to do. "Can I steal you for a moment, Remus?"

The scarred boy looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'll be back guys."

The two Marauders nodded and the two made their way to the restroom. "What's wrong Remus?"

"My dad died."

"Oh," Sirius stated, not knowing the feeling of having a very loving and kind dad. "I'm sorry."

Remus waved a dismissive hand and gave Sirius a peck on the lips that made guilt run through Sirius's veins. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Remus. I'm so sorry." Sirius apologized.

"What could you possibly be that sorry for?" Sirius gave him a look that made Remus realize what he was talking about. "You didn't, show me your arm."

Sirius frowned and pulled up his sleeve to expose the dark mark. Remus's mouth parted in shock and he took a few betrayed steps back. "I'm sorry. It all happened so fast."

"That doesn't excuse it! You're are part of the group that killed my dad! My dad was my best friend and he was killed because he wouldn't join them. It's messed up and I can't even stand in front of you knowing you support that man."

Sirius looked away, trying to not get all emotional in front of Remus. "I think you should go."

"Gladly. Maybe you should go tell your brother now."

Sirius rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. "Yeah like he will care. He's too busy solving bloody mysteries that no one cares about with Pandora."

"Well, he has to then right to know still. Is Barty one too now?"

"Yeah. He's different now which makes me scared of what he is going to do considering he is friends with Rosier, Rabastan, and Snape. The same applies for Nott."

"Yeah and don't expect me to cover for you if you fuck up. Bye Black." Remus sighed.

"Bye Remus," Sirius responded as he watched Remus exit the bathroom.

2 weeks later...

Regulus was walking to his third to last class of the day when Barty, Rabastan, Rosier, and Snape appeared behind him. Before he could react he was grabbed by the shirt and pinned against the wall by Barty. "Hey, Crouch," Regulus stated.

"Hey Black." Barty greeted, his tone was dry. "No faggot boyfriend this year?"

"So sad," Evan said in a fake sad tone. Snape and Rabastan laughed and Regulus saw the corner of Barty's lips perk up in a smile.

"Your a death eater now aren't you?" Regulus asked Barty.

"Bingo. It feels good Reg, you should become one."

"I'll pass," Regulus stated.

"This is your fault you know, you left me." Barty

"Okay come on Crouch, we don't have forever." Evan reminded.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I took a mental health break so I wouldn't kill myself." Regulus sassed.

"I would have preferred if you did." Barty sneered as he took a step back.

"We had something Barty and now you are throwing it away for your death eater buddies."

"At least they aren't fags like you," Barty stated, letting go of his shirt and backing up.

Regulus scoffed. "I wouldn't be so sure of that, Evan and Rabastan are a little fruity like you." He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Barty who did the same to him.

That was the last straw for Barty. "Expelliarmus!" Regulus's wand flew out of his hand and Snape caught it and pulled out his wand to make sure Regulus didn't try to take it from him. Without thinking another spell rolled off the top of Barty's tongue and one he wished he could take back. "Sectumsempra!"

Regulus's eyes widened as a giant cut appeared on his chest and blood poured out of his chest and his oxford slowly turned red. Barty's eyes widened and his mouth parted in shock at what he had just done. He saw the hurt look Regulus gave him and it made him feel more guilty than he ever had.

Rabastan grabbed Barty's arm and they made a run for it. Regulus slid down the wall and collapsed onto the floor. His hands quickly got bloody from trying to stop the bleeding and he threw up some blood next to him before he got lightheaded.

He was going to die. He was going to die. He felt his eyelids shut and everything went black.

Seconds later Pandora and James came running down the corridor and Pandora gasped when she saw him, but James was quick to rush to the boy's side and put pressure on his chest. "Holy shit-."

He wanted to throw up at the sight of the blood, but he didn't. Pandora put her hands on his chest too and wrapped her arms around his unconscious back to stand him up. "We need to get him to the hospital wing. Now."

"Yeah, no shit Lestrange." James sassed as he helped Regulus up and they moved as fast as they could to the hospital where Madam Pomfrey gasped when she saw their bloody hands and Regulus's unconscious body.

"Not again." She muttered as he grabbed Regulus from them and pushed them out, telling them to go inform the teachers.

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