XIX. A New Room

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For the first time in Regulus's six years at Hogwarts, he wasn't sitting with the Marauders. Instead, he was sat in a compartment with Pandora as they discussed the horcrux situation. Regulus didn't want more awkwardness considering he had to spend the summer with the Potters. "You know you can always come stay at my place if things get too awkward. My aunt won't mind." Pandora smiled. 

"Why aren't you staying with your parents?" 

"I think you forget i'm disowned too."

"Oh shit. I forgot you were."

"Xenophillus is staying with us too." She stated.

"Don't get pregnant." Regulus joked and Pandora hit him on the arm. 

"REGULUS BLACK! We still have one more year of school."

"Yeah, but after that?" Regulus smirked.

"Maybe after that.. probably yes." Pandora responded slowly and cautiously.

"PANDORA!" He exclaimed and she burst out laughing. "And how about marriage? Are you planning on becoming a Lovegood?"

She nodded. "Him and I have already talked about this stuff and the answer is yes. We plan on having kids and getting married after we graduate."

"Well good for you." Regulus smiled. Pandora and Xenophillus had been together since bloody 2nd year and they were the perfect couple. Regulus was happy for his best friend.

"And you and Barty." Pandora asked.

Regulus frowned. " I don't know if i'm honest. I don't know what we are right now and truthfully I don't think I will even have enough to take his last name."

"Well I hope you do." Pandora smiled, putting her hands on top of Regulus's.

"And I hope you can become Pandora Lovegod." 


Regulus walked over the Potters and the four apparated to the cozy manor on the outskirts of town. "We got you your own room now Regulus. You can go upstairs and check it out. James let us know what you liked and we decorated. 

Regulus walked up the stairs and the three Potters followed him. He saw the door with his name on it and smiled. "You guys really didn't have to. Thank you." 

Eumphemia waved a dismissive hand. "Its the least we could do for you Regulus."

He smiled and opened the the door, letting Snuffles, who he was holding, down so she could roam around the room . The walls were a dark grey and their was several band posters like Queen and Bowie and a few records scattered on them. In the far corner was a full sized bed with a white bed set and red throw pillows neatly placed on his bed, along with a few at stuffed animals. At the foot of the bed was a bench and a bed for Snuffles who was already curled up in it. A window was also at the foot of the bed and under it was a beanbag chair. Next to the beanbag chair, but on the other wall was a large bookshelf full of books that he guessed they brought up from the library. There was a dresser next to the bookshelf that had a plant on top of it. On the wall that the door was on was a desk and a closet next to it. There was another window on the wall the bed was against and a night stand, but what surprised Regulus the most was the rainbow flag above his bed. His brows furrowed in confusion. "How-"

"We know its not exactly the ideal thing to have in your room because mostly everyone is homophobic, but its our way of saying we support you and we figured you would need it considering your parents are-" Fleamont started, but was cut off by Regulus enveloping him and Eumphemia in a hug.

"Thank you." Regulus smiled. They stood their hugging and James eventually joined, but was careful not to invade any of Regulus's boundaries.

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