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Thank you livingxoutxlife for reviewing <3

I bet that heart took you back to 2014, huh?

So it's been a little while, sorry. I don't post during the summer, because I'm away at camp, working as a counselor (if you ever have that opportunity, do it. It's so much fun)

Whoever gets my Maximum Ride reference is my hero and wins a cookie. Literally one of the best series ever. You should all read it.

This song^^^^ 


It's beautiful. One of my favorites. It's Til Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS. Finneas reminds me so much of Finnick, idk why. I think it describes Finnick and Katniss really well tho

My bff and I can do this dance. I can do Ashe's part, she does Finneas's part.


There was a limo waiting for me. Mags was already inside, as well as Blight from District 7, who arrived around the same time as we did. I decided to wait for Katniss on my floor. District 12 was probably the furthest from the Capitol, so she would get there last. She said she would come find me once she was finished with her stylist.

It was about two hours before she showed up. In the meantime, I decided to stuff my face full of chocolate, a luxury not sold in District 4, at least not by the bar. You could occasionally find it in icing on a cake, but it cost more money.

I heard the elevator ding behind me, and Katniss stepped out.

"Hey," I said as she walked towards me. Her arms wrapped around my waist, surprising me."Oh, hey,"

If there was one thing I'd learned about Katniss in the past year, it was that she is not a hugger.

She pulled away first, which I expected. Her face was beet red, and I almost laughed.

"I hate it here," she said.

"Don't we all?"

She smiled a little and we went to my room, so my escort would know to leave us alone. She flopped down on the bed. Even though we'd only met a few times in person before, it felt like we had known each other forever. I felt like I could tell her anything. She was like my little sister.

"Who's that?" I looked at where she was pointing. It was a picture of Whisper, her paws up on Annie's shoulders.

"That's my dog, Whisper," I said, being difficult on purpose.

"You know what I mean, idiot."

I grinned. "That's Annie."

"Cresta?" She asked with a teasing smile. "Your dog sitter?"

"Yeah. She told me you called last night to get my number. That's dedication. You must love me a lot."

"Yeah. Almost as much as she does."

My eyes widened. Oh [Insert curse word of your choice].

She noticed my facial expression. "So it's true?"

"How did you find out? Who else knows?" I tried hard to keep my voice level, but my hands were shaking.

"I just took a wild guess, and Haymitch confirmed it."

"So just you and Haymitch?"

"Well, he was dumb enough to say it in front of the tributes, but I don't think they'll say anything."

I exhaled. If Snow found out about it... That would be the end. He would kill Annie, and potentially even go after Katniss and Mags. I pulled Katniss against me for another hug.

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