40- Fire is Catching

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this chapter is a product of Easter break! He is risen!

My days seemed to all follow the same pattern. Completely disregarding the schedule that was printed on my arm (as always), I spent all the time I could in the hospital, watching August. A few times a day I was kicked out so that the doctors could do their job, but for the most part they all agreed that one of the best things that could be done for the premature baby was allowing me to be nearby. Unfortunately, some of the higher ups in District 13 saw this as obsessive behavior, which meant my "mentally unstable" hospital band wasn't going anywhere fast.

It was about a week and a half after August was born that Plutarch called for me again.

He immediately proposed that I go to District 8.

"Absolutely not," Peeta said quickly. I looked at him, confused. "She just gave birth, Plutarch. Her son is fighting for his life in the hospital wing. You can't seriously be asking her to risk her life again."

"It's not a risk at all," Plutarch informed us. "The fighting at District 8 is over. The rebels have full control there, and it's been like that for some time now. We have no reason to suspect that the Capitol will suddenly attack again."

"But how could you take that risk?" Peeta argued.

"I want to go," I told them.

Peeta looked at me, disappointment on his face. "Katniss, you need to be careful right now. What if something happens? August needs you."

The smug look on Plutarch's face almost made me want to agree with him. "It'll be okay, Peeta. I promise. I need to be out there." I glanced at Peeta's concerned face. Part of me wanted desperately to agree with him. August would not be an orphan. I wouldn't allow it. And if something happened in District 8, would Coin really follow up with her end of the bargain? I wasn't sure she would.

But I was going crazy, sitting around doing nothing. I knew I had to get out. I had my end of the bargain to uphold anyway. "I'm going," I told them.

The hovercraft landed in District 8 the very next day. I was sent in with Boggs, Coin's trusted colonel, as the leader of our squad. I was given a bow by Beetee, and I was surprised to find that it wasn't just a prop like I had assumed it would be. It seemed that they actually wanted me alive after all.

I was joined by a film crew, led by a woman named Cressida. She had a few tattoos and her hair was shaved on one side, but beyond that she looked normal, as did the rest of her crew. But then again, Effie looked pretty normal these days, too. Maybe they weren't always that way. My husband would have been suspicious of Cressida. The way she carried herself... I knew he would have many complaints about her. I smiled to myself, imagining what he would say when we were alone. I imagined his goofy smile as we laughed about her stiffness and arrogance... stop it.

He's not here to laugh about it, and he won't be until you go through with this.

"How do you feel?" Gale asked me. I looked over at him, the only person I was comfortable with who came with me. I still hadn't really thanked him for getting Prim out of District 12... not really. Or anyone else. Beetee had made him a new bow, too. A crossbow.

"I'm ready," I told him. He nodded. The door opened to let us out, and a woman was waiting for us.

"Katniss Odair," The woman held out her hand for me to shake. "My name is Commander Paylor. Welcome to District 8."

I shook her hand. "Thank you." I allowed a small smile at hearing her use my name so easily, unlike everyone else. Even Peeta and Prim fumbled with it, as though they didn't like the way it felt on their tongues. She led the way towards a large tent that had been set up, connected to the Justice Building. Much like District 12, there was no real hospital so they had resolved to set up this make-shift one. I entered through the tent, a curtain over the open doorway pushed to the side to let us through.

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