43- Denial, Anger, Bargaining

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Katniss. Katniss.

Stop! I wanted to scream at the person, incessantly screaming my name. I needed it to stop before it drove me absolutely mad. I needed it to stop before—


Before. Four.



41379. 41379.

I mouthed the numbers silently, my throat aching badly as I tried to vocalize it. I could picture the old, worn napkin, feel the soft, crinkled material in my hands, the slight indents from the numbers...



My eyes snapped open. I stared at the man in front of me, his green eyes shining with tears.

My throat was dry and I struggled to breath with the gravelly feeling in my mouth.

I swallowed and it was as if my mouth was filled with broken glass. "Finn—"

"Shh," He said, a hand resting on my face. "He's not here right now."

I frowned. "But you—"

Finnick smirked that silly little grin that still dances around in my dreams sometimes. "Katniss, how are you feeling?"

I touched my throat. Even pressing gentle fingers to it hurt a little. "My—"

He nodded sadly. "You were screaming all night. I'm surprised you can talk at all."

I closed my eyes briefly. When I opened them again, he was gone.

"Are you alright, Katniss?" Prim asked me, taking her hand away from my forehead. I blinked slowly.

Then I blinked again. "Why was... Why...?"

"Why were you screaming?" Prim looked at me, her blue eyes wide and her brow furrowed in concern. I swallowed again. "Katniss, it's been a long day. Yesterday—"

I looked up when the door opened. Gale walked in, yellow flowers in hand.

I followed his movements as he set them in a glass jar filled with water. Next to the flowers was...

I looked around the room, noticing for the first time just how big my apartment was.

Something was missing.

Prim was watching me. "Katniss?"

I pointed to an open spot on the floor. There was no furniture there.

There should be furniture there.

The spot was too empty. Bright lights reflected against the too-white wall. It needed a spot of blue. That's what used to—

"Katniss!" Prim shook my shoulder harshly. I looked back at her. I looked over at the table, where the stuffed lion sat next to the flowers.

I picked it up.

I held it out to Prim who only stared at it sadly, tears welling up making her eyes look bluer than ever.

"Where—" I cleared my throat again. Then again. Prim continued to stare. I forced the thought into three painful words, like shards in my throat and heart. "Where is he?"


"Everdeen... Miss Everdeen!" A pause, then the voice started up again. "Miss Everdeen!"

Miss Everdeen Miss Everdeen Miss Everdeen

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