33- The Clock

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Sorry it's taken so long... I graduated in May, so I had to finish a ton of tough courses, and after that I was working 40 hours a week at my part time job and then I went to camp and worked 60 hour weeks XD. Also I'm writing a novel, and I'm almost done editing it, so I've been wanting to work on that a lot.

Long story short, this chappy has been sitting unfinished in google docs since April... so almost six months.

But I'm back for now! Yay!

Eventually, Finnick decided to get some sleep, but I continued to sit up, taking my turn to keep watch. My thoughts kept drifting back to Cinna, the way the blood had smeared against the glass tube as his head slammed back against it. The odd angle of his leg as they dragged him across the floor by his arms. More blood smeared against the pristine white tile.

The jungle had cooled considerably through the night, but I was still hot and thirsty. I had serious sunburn on my face already, and it was only the first day.

When the green-ish fog made an appearance, I reached out to it against my better judgment, hoping it would refresh my sun-burned skin. Instead, I felt only pain. I felt nothing at first, but I could almost feel my pupils dilate as my brain caught up to my nerves.

I screamed, as my fingers tingled dangerously. I backed away, tripping over rocks and tumbling to the ground. Already, blisters formed on my hand. "Run!" I cried, pulling myself back up to my feet and shaking Finnick awake. "The fog! The fog is poison!" My companions woke quickly, and it took mere moments for them to register my words before Finnick scooped Mags up on his back and took off down the hill, with Peeta and I racing after him.

It wasn't long before Peeta lost his footing, still recovering from dying earlier.

"Peeta," I said. "Peeta, get up." I watched in horror as the fog drifted closer and closer. I yanked his arms, pulling him back up to his feet, but he stumbled again. We continued at a slower pace, but the fog was right behind us, and it danced across our backs.

"Finnick!" I cried out. He turned, staring at us with wide, fearful eyes. "I can't carry him!" It was true. My muscles were twitching painfully, and I could barely force my own body to keep moving.

Finnick set Mags down and grabbed Peeta, my brother lying across his back fireman style. "Can you take Mags?"

I nodded. "Yes I think so, but-"

Mags cut me off by laying a hand on my arm. She approached Finnick, who was still crouched on the ground and pressed a kiss to his face.

"Mags?" He questioned cautiously. Mags smiled at him and walked in the direction of the fog. I stared after her, not sure what she was doing, but I was sure she had a good plan. This was Mags, after all.

Finnick stood up, catching on much faster than me. "Mags!" He cried. "Mags, stop!" Mags did not stop. We watched as she entered the fog, her body contorting this way and that, until she stopped moving. A cannon echoed in the jungle.

"No!" Finnick screamed. "Mags! No!"

"Finnick," I said, tears pricking at my eyes. "Finnick, please. We have to go."

He looked at me, shock and pain plain on his face. He shook his head once, as if to clear it, then nodded and took off in the direction of the beach. I followed him closely.

He collapsed on the beach, face first in the sand. Peeta rolled off of him, and we both followed his example. I turned over, so I could watch our imminent death as it approached. The green fog crept closer, closer, closer, until it crashed against some invisible barrier, recoiled, and dissipated.

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