20 - The Roof

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Sorry. I had to.

But Yep!!!!! I'm back!!!!!!! And here's a delicious chapter!!!!!!!

(jk it was a living nightmare to write.)

Song is Tonight by Peter McPoland who im actually seeing in concert on Friday, because he's opening for twenty-one pilots and I'm a huge fan of both so I might just drop dead.

I groaned as the train pulled into the station, preparing myself for another few weeks of smiling at the camera while children entrusted into my care were mercilessly slaughtered.

My tributes were average for District 12. Small and weak from a life of malnourishment. I knew they would never make it, but it was still painful just looking at them.

There were crowds of ugly Capitol citizens outside the windows, waving to us, desperate to catch a glimpse of the tributes, or of Peeta and me. I smiled and waved once, then turned my back on them.

"Word of advice," I said. "Wave at them. Smile. A tribute can't win the Hunger Games without sponsors. And the only way to get sponsors is to get people to like you."

The girl swallowed. "I-"

"Just do it," Haymitch grumbled.

"She has social anxiety," the boy spoke for her, always annoyed with Haymitch.

"Who has time for social anxiety? You should be anxious about dying, not speaking to people." Haymitch guffawed as if his joke was actually funny. The girl looked down.

The skin on my forearm itches, as if it, too, was anticipating another two names added to the ever-growing tattooed list.

"Leave her alone, Haymitch," Peeta said firmly before the situation escalated. To be honest, I'm not sure how we survived as mentors before Peeta came around to balance us out for the tributes' sake.

Once our tributes were ushered away to Beauty Base Zero, I went to my room on District 12's floor to de-escalate before I had to face even more crowds. I considered sneaking down to the fourth floor to visit Finnick and check up on Mags, but I knew I would see them later anyway, and I needed some time to myself.

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