39- August

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"Here you all stand witness: Katniss Everdeen has agreed to be our Mockingjay!" Coin announced. I stood in the crowd below, watching her closely. A few pairs of eyes from the people closest to me turned around to stare. Peeta put a protective arm around my shoulder. Really, he was the only thing keeping me together at this point. I hadn't seen Prim in days. She had been scheduled at the most inconvenient times for her shifts at the hospital, and when she wasn't working the District 13 doctors were training her for the promotion that she deserved. "As a gracious gift from us to our Mockingjay, I have decided to grant full pardon to the fellow Victors in the Capitol."

An outraged cry went up from the crowd. It really didn't surprise me. Just yesterday, there had been another mandatory broadcast that had not painted any of my comrades in a good light.

"Here I am once again," Caesar Flickerman announced as his theme played in the background, "With some of our most favorite Victors. I have with me today Gloss from District 1, the Victor of the 63rd Annual Hunger Games. Next to him is Britt of District 4 from the 68th Annual Hunger Games, and of course we have our own favorite Capitol romancer, Finnick of District 4, Victor of the 65th Annual Hunger Games." The crowd applauded for each of the three Victors. I ignored the first question Caesar asked them. I stood rigidly in the crowd, my eyes scanning every inch of Finnick that I could see on the small, grainy screen, hoping to find some sort of confirmation that he was going to be fine.

I saw nothing but fidgety hands and dark circles under his eyes.

"Mr. Odair, I understand that this must be difficult for you, in particular. There have been rumors circulating of late that a certain Miss Katniss Everdeen has joined forces with the rebels. What do you have to say to that?"

Finnick cleared his throat. "Who's Katniss Everdeen?" He asked finally. I frowned slightly upon hearing his answer. It was peculiar... He knew well enough he shouldn't be making jokes like that.

Caesar froze briefly before a wide smile erupted on his face. "My apologies, Finnick. My apologies. It's hard for an old man like me to remember these things. I meant to say Katniss Odair, of course."

"An old man, Caesar? You've still got some good years left," Finnick protested, his smooth Capitol mask hiding him easily.

"You're right, Finnick. I'm still in my prime. Now tell me how you feel about being on an opposite team as Katniss Odair."

Finnick laughed. "Caesar, I haven't been on a different team from Katniss since I was nineteen years old."

"Until now you mean?" He asked.

Finnick tilted his head. "No, no not until now. I mean ever. We just haven't had the chance to talk about it, but I'm sure if we could, Katniss would be on my side."

The room I stood in erupted into groans of protest.

Caesar smiled at Finnick. "You mean she would join us here in the Capitol?"

Finnick's smile slid halfway off his face. "I never said that. I'm not on the side of the Capitol. I'm not on the side of the rebellion, either. I'm on the side of peace. Katniss and I... we only got a few short months together in District 4, and I would give anything to go back to that. I want everyone to throw down their weapons and see reason. Both sides have gotten much too carried away with all of this. The unnecessary violence needs to stop, right now. The bloodshed has-"

I couldn't hear the rest of what he was saying as the jeers grew louder and angrier. I watched Caesar turn to question Gloss, and I left the room.

Coin continued, unabashed by the crowd's less than enthusiastic reaction. I had to give her credit—she was not easily swayed. And she took the blame for my unpopular stance. Even though I disagreed with her on many fronts, it was easy to see why the rebels wanted her leading them. "This will include the full pardon of Finnick Odair–" the crowd cried out once again, and Coin was forced to raise her voice over them. "Finnick Odair, Gloss Beckham, Britt Lee, Clove Kentwell, Zahra Avlis, and Johanna Mason."

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