12- President Snow

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*Me posting another chapter when I haven't posted on Hunter's Moon for like a month*

This one is a small dude, not quite 2000 words, but I wanted it out, so it's out now!


I watched Katniss and Peeta, standing on the stage. Caspian remained next to me, in a marked off section of the audience for victors, but I smuggled Caspian in by bribing one of the peacekeepers. Katniss gave her portion of the speech, a master at putting on her mask now, and I began to feel a bit of remorse for telling her off the way I did at the train station. She was hurting, too. Writing that song was her way of coping, and how would she know that it would affect me, and affect her?

When her speech was over, she was escorted, along with her brother, back into the Justice Building. Caspian followed me, yet again, as I joined the crowed of victors back to the mayor's house for a small banquet to celebrate the newest victors. I met up with Katniss half way.

"What the hell did you mean by that?" She asked me harshly, keeping her voice down and a smile plastered on her face.

"What did I mean by what?" I asked, not bothering to smile back. I knew no one here would care whether or not my mask was in place.

"When you said you weren't just in the Capitol for yourself?"

We stepped into the house, wiping our feet on the door mat in unison. "Think really hard about it, Katniss. You're an incredibly desirable victor. Why do you think you've had the off season to yourself?"

Katniss stopped where she was, and Caspian, Peeta and I followed suit. She opened her mouth, closed it, and opened it again. Before she could actually say something, however, a peacekeeper touched her arm. She turned around quickly, prepared to stab him to death with the candle sticks on the mantelpiece.

"Miss Everdeen, if you would follow me."

Katniss smiled reassuringly at Peeta, who looked ready to fight for her, and wordlessly followed the soldier. I did too, even though I knew I wasn't invited.

"Please wait here, Mr. Odair," the peacekeeper commanded me when we reached the door to the mayor's office.

"No thanks," I responded.

"Let him tag along, Seamus," I heard a voice from within the office, and felt myself shiver. Katniss stared up at me, fear in her eyes. She recognized the voice just as well as I did. Against my better judgement, I slipped my hand into hers and squeezed. Her hand was familiar, Warm and a bit clammy, but the calluses were still there in all the same places. There was a new scar that I could feel, right under her pinky finger. She squeezed back.

The door was opened just enough for us to be shoved in, without anyone else seeing who was sitting in the mayor's chair. President Snow.

He smiled at us, the gums around his teeth a vibrant red, brighter than how I remembered. "Have a seat," he said, his tone pleasant, or as pleasant as possible for someone so despicable. I pulled out a chair for Katniss, since Dell had taught me manors, and then one for myself. The chairs were close enough on the other side of the desk that my hand could stay intertwined with Katniss's under the table, out of Snow's view. I knew my hand was getting sweatier and sweatier, and part of me felt incredibly self conscious about it, even though hers was just as wet.

"I was hoping you would join our conversation, Mr. Odair," Snow said, sipping water from a wine glass.

I didn't say anything, but just continued staring at him, wondering if blood would stain the clear liquid, like that one client told me years ago.

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