6- Caspian Odair

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Don't worry about Annie being in the way of Finniss. She will be... removed... shortly

I watched Katniss pull the archery arm guard on, so it covered her wrist and forearm. No one would suspect a thing.

"I'll call you tonight," She said as I pulled her into a hug. Augustus of District 1 was crowned Victor this year, and no one was surprised.

"Ok," I agreed. "I'll miss you,"

She repeated the phrase in response, and I stepped off her train to await the arrival of my own. I couldn't wait to leave the Capitol. I didn't have many appointments during the off season, and the thought of seeing Annie made me impatient. Mags put a hand on my arm, calming me down a little.

"Patience," She said, "Is a virtue."

I sighed. "I know. I just... I know."

She smiled at me. "You like Annie a lot, don't you?"

I grinned. "Yeah. I think I might even be in love with her,"

"Don't let Snow hear that," she advised. Our train pulled up and I stepped onto it, eager to get home.


It took about 24 hours to get home from the Capitol. When the train pulled into District 4, I looked around the deserted train station, wondering where everyone was. My family always met me at the station. I glanced behind me at Mags who got off with me. The District 4 escort, stylists, and prep teams stayed behind at the Capitol, so it was just the two of us again. Then I heard the scream.

"Finnick!" I turned around just in time to see Annie running towards me before I felt the impact of her small body crushing against mine. I held onto her so, so tightly, wishing I could kiss her right then and there, but we couldn't risk being seen, so I pulled away from her. Annie understood why we couldn't be seen in public. I didn't tell her the whole truth, of course, but I told her it was dangerous for both of us. My little brother, Killian, eight years old, the spitting image of me (or so I've been told,) wrapped his skinny little arms around my waist. Grabbing him around the middle, using one hand to support his legs, I picked him up and flipped him upside down.

Killian squealed. "Finnick! Stop! Put me down!" I laughed and let go of him briefly before catching him again. He giggled. I flipped him back up again and set him gently on the floor.

"Where's Mom? And Solomon and Caspian?" I asked.

Annie sighed. "Your mom is at Dell's house. Solomon is walking Whisper and Caspian is... around."

"Around?" I asked, confused.

She waved a hand in the air. "Yeah. Around."

I raised an eyebrow, rather confused. Annie was like that. She was rather cryptic at times. It was just a side effect of being completely insane. She hasn't been the same since her brother was beheaded right in front of her for fishing in an area that was off limits to citizens of District 4. It was so close to District 7, I think, that it made the Capitol nervous. They wanted absolutely no communications between Districts, unless, of course, it involved the Hunger Games.

We walked to Victor's Village. There were twelve houses for the Victors. Nine were occupied. Mags' house was the second on the left, and right across the street was Dell's. I decided to drop off my bags at my house, then go see my mom and Dell. Mags gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before entering her house. My place was the last occupied house, number eleven, on the left side of the street. It was across from the mayor's daughter's house, and we had become well acquainted since I won my games. Her name was Attina, and she was my second cousin. We shared the same great grandfather, who was the first mayor of District 4. I waved to her when I saw her peak out the window. She grinned and waved back. I dropped my bags on my front porch, not worried about anyone stealing them, and ran back down to Number 4, where Dell lived.

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