30- Interviews

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CHAPTER 30!!!!!

"What's your strategy?" Haymitch asked me as Cinna made final adjustments on my dress. It was the interview night, and I knew this would be my only chance to stop the games before they began. For the sake of Finnick, and Peeta, and Zahra, and Johanna. And Cashmere and Gloss. Even Clove, who I barely knew. She had kept mostly to herself during training, but I saw her talking to Cashmere a few times. They would probably be allied. But I felt sorry for her. She was barely sixteen, not yet an adult. And she was being led to the slaughter.

I shrugged as my only response to Haymitch's question. As I found out years ago, I wasn't very good at playing angles. I just needed to act like myself, no matter how blunt I could be sometimes. And it had gotten me pretty far. For whatever reason, Peeta had stuck around even after I gave him the cold shoulder for the first year after I found out he was my brother. Finnick still claimed to love me, although he had to put up with my attitude more than anyone.

"Come on, Katniss, do you want Finnick to live or not?"

I glared at him. His words struck home. Little did he know, that was exactly what I had been thinking about. I didn't like being reminded that I would have to make a choice between my closest friends, my husband, and my brother starting in just a few hours, but it was the harsh reality of the situation, and that thought played over and over in my head for the past six months.

"Think about the baby, Katniss," Cinna whispered as he placed a pin by my shoulder, adjusting the neckline. I looked at him sharply. He knew. I wasn't sure how, but somehow, Cinna knew. He read my expression, and saw the desperation in my eyes.

"Can you give us a moment, Haymitch?" Cinna asked. My mentor rolled his eyes and left the room, clearly not liking being left out of the conversation. Cinna smiled at me when Haymitch closed the door.

"How do you know about the baby?" I asked him, my voice coming out harsher than intended. But Cinna accepted it gracefully.

"It's my job to measure your weight and size, as well as your health. That jumpsuit at the opening ceremonies was made to fit you and only you, and it needed adjustments. You may have just gained weight naturally, but based on the data I've received about your health, that's not correct."

"I haven't started to show yet," I protested. I had only gained a pound or two since I conceived. There was no extra baby weight on me.

Cinna shook his head. "Of course not. But as I said, Stylists have access to most of your health records, to monitor allergies, menstrual cycles, physical and mental disabilities, stuff like that to keep you safe while we work. And your records make it quite clear."

"So how did my health records tip you off? I haven't seen a doctor in years, other than my mom." I argued.

Cinna smiled. "You're in the Capitol, darling. Nothing is a secret now. I know you've been eating a bit extra, and I know you've experienced morning sickness, and your menstrual cycle didn't happen this month, or last month."

I didn't say anything. Neither did he. He just continued to watch me, a slight smile on his face

Finally, after several minutes of silence, I said, "I can't go into the arena like this."

"Then don't." Cinna took my hand. "If anyone can stop the games, it's you, Girl on Fire."


The interviews were more emotional than any I had ever seen. Cashmere sobbed through hers, and allowed Gloss to do most of the talking. She was a much better actress than I had ever given her credit for. They were allowed to do them together, since they were siblings. Caesar had asked Peeta and I if we wanted to do the same, but Peeta refused abruptly. That probably meant he had a plan. The District 1 siblings spoke about how much they would miss their Capitol family, and how close they had gotten to each other, and everyone else over the years.

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