26- The Wedding

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Yeah so i was so excited to write this chapter bUT IT WAS SO FREAKING HARD TO WRITE

maybe i'm so used to writing angst that writing an actual happy chapter is too difficult for me, but this took like three tries to make it semi-decent

in this chapter i've named Peeta's older two brothers Ry and Emmer, just so yall aren't confused at all. They don't have names in the books, and don't exist in the movies so ya

It was a Friday, so Haymitch and Peeta already had plans to come over for dinner, as was our tradition. Sometimes Prim joined us, too, but she was living with our mother this month, as was her usual rotation.

Finnick and I walked over to the bakery to talk to my family. I brought money with me, because I knew I would probably get kicked out if I wasn't a paying customer. When we got there, Finnick opened the door for me and I walked up to the counter. My half brother, Ry, stood behind the counter. He was the oldest of the three Mellark boys, and was supposed to inherit the bakery and the house when his father died, but as of right now he lived with his wife in the Seam.

"Good morning, Ry," I said. I always liked Peeta's brothers.

"Good afternoon, Katniss." He said cheerfully. I glanced at the clock behind him and groaned. It was one o'clock already. Finnick and I had taken our sweet time getting up. I always hated it when time slipped away like that.

Finnick joined me at the counter.

"Is Prim around?" I asked Ry.

"It's Friday afternoon," Peeta's father said, entering the room. "She's at school."

"Oh," I said. "Right." I felt kind of foolish, but it was hard to keep track of the days when I had little to no schedule without Prim.

"Is there any bread you need?" He asked. "If not-"

"We're buying a cake," Finnick interrupted. "However, if your lovely wife is around, I think Katniss would like to speak with her family."

Ry sighed, hating the conflict his father was causing. "Dad, I can deal with my customers. Can you go find your lovely wife?"

Peeta's father went into the back room without another word, looking a touch indignant.

"Sorry about that," Ry apologized. "So you said you needed a cake?"

I blushed. "Yeah."

Ry glanced between the two of us. "Birthday?"

"Not quite," Finnick said. He glanced over at me.

"It's for a wedding," I said quietly, so only Ry could hear.

He made note of my red cheeks and Finnick's large grin and Ry smiled widely. "You're eloping, aren't you?"

"Don't tell anyone, Ry," I said. "After we heard the announcement last night, we decided to have a private ceremony. We're going to the Justice Building tomorrow night, and then going back to my house to eat cake. You can come if you want."

"Who else is invited?"

"Prim, Peeta, Emmer, Mom, and Haymitch." I said. "But I don't think Mom will go."

"What time?"

I glanced at Finnick. We hadn't gotten that far. "Maybe like..."

"Two?" Finnick asked me.

I shrugged. "Two sounds good."

Ry stared at us, then put down the notepad he had picked up to fill out our order. "Did you guys plan this at all, or is it a spur of the moment thing?"

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