24- The Hunger Games

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Yeah... you really shouldn't be surprised about who wins these games... if you pay attention to my notes at the beginning/end of chapters this makes sense

Also i had too much fun with this chapter

During day 3 of the Hunger Games, Finnick and Peeta find me in my room at one in the morning. I got out of bed and walked towards them cautiously. I could sense the levels of stress coming off of Finnick, and Peeta looked agitated.

"Client?" I asked Finnick, trying to understand his stress.

He shook his head. "I think you should sit down."

I slowly sat back down on the bed, and he sat next to me, holding my hand gently. Peeta remained standing

"I had a meeting with Snow earlier this evening."

"Is everything alright?"

Finnick shrugged. "It could be worse," He let out a dry laugh. "It could always be worse, couldn't it? No, I think we've come to a reasonable solution, I just want to make sure you're on board with it."

"Okay..." I said uncertainly.

"Snow thinks the public is far too invested in us as a couple, so his profits are going down. No one wants to buy us, because they don't want us cheating on each other." He explained.

"But we haven't confirmed we're back together." I argued.

"I think the footage they have of you is enough, Katniss," Peeta pointed out.

"So what is he doing about it?" I asked, nervous to hear the answer. It usually wasn't anything good.

Finnick said, "He thinks a wedding would bring in a ton of profit."

I stared at him. "He wants us to get married?" I repeated slowly.

He nodded. "Are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine," I stammered.

"I'm so sorry," He said, letting go of my hand and standing up. "I know you wanted to wait a bit."

I latched onto his arm. "And you wanted it to be something special and personal. This isn't going to be the wedding we hoped for, but God, Finnick. We're getting married."

He stared at me and slowly sat back down. I noticed Peeta leaving the room out of the corner of my eye, to give us some privacy. "We're getting married," He repeated softly.

"Snow is letting us get married." I said, my hands rising to cup his face.

Finnick made a face "He's also officiating the ceremony."

I groaned and flopped back on the bed. Finnick gently laid down next to me. "It won't be that bad," he promised. "It will be ugly and tacky and we're going to absolutely despise the reception, and, of course, it will be hard to enjoy the ceremony with Snow standing three feet away, but it's still our wedding and the rest hardly matters."

"And the food will be delicious," I added.

"And we can hold hands under the table." He whispered conspiritoly.

I giggled. "And Effie will wear something atrocious."

"Just like your wedding dress will be."

I snorted. "It's going to be so ugly."

"I bet you can pull it off."

I blushed, and then another thought hit me like a train. "We won't have many appointments from now on,"

He grinned. "Just with each other."

"I want to wait," I said suddenly, staring at him seriously. "Until we're married to sleep with you."

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