36- District 13

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Welcome back guys! Here are a few things I wanted to say before we get into the Mockingjay section of our story.

First, I've only read Mockingjay once, and it was when I was twelve. I am much older than twelve now, and don't necessarily remember all the details, so I will be working mainly off of memory and the movies.

Second, this is where my source material ends. Before now, this has been a rewrite of my fanfic, Innocent, on ff.net. In the old fanfic, Zahra kills Finnick and Katniss in the Quarter Quell after betraying them, and the story ends there, simply because I got bored and had other things I wanted to write, so I gave it a quick end and was done. Obviously that didn't happen in Flames to Embers, so we're still on, with me BSing my way through another 10-15 chapters ':}

Third, I want to take this opportunity to thank my readers, which I haven't done in a few chapters.

Thanks to commenters like:







I scrolled back six months or so in my notifications to pull those names out, sorry if I missed anyone, I love all of you. And thank you to everyone who had voted/saved/read this fanfic! Means the world!

I know when I'm reading a wattpad story I never want to leave a ton of comments because I feel bad for all the notifications the author will get, BUT DONT BE LIKE ME!!!! DONT FEEL BAD!!!!! I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT!!!!

Lastly, this is a formal apology to all my fanfic.net readers. I decided about a year and a half ago to finish uploading this story on wattpad, and then go back and update it on ffn when it's finished, but its taking so much longer than anticipated. I'm sorry, please don't hate me. You'll probably get to read this note in another year or so. So sorry. Love you all.

Without further ado...


Enjoy the show.


I didn't feel anything, I didn't want to feel anything. As I paced up and down darkened halls, my chest caving in over my lungs, I allowed my mind to drift to places I had pulled away from for the entire two months I was being held in this scientifically advanced hellscape.

It really was much better than the Capitol, I had convinced myself. At least my body was my own, even if my mind seemed to have been stripped away from me when I arrived here.

My rough emotions had been sanded down to nearly nothing. But I almost preferred it this way. Once my intense sadness had finally abandoned me, I was able to push all thoughts of Finnick to the very back of my mind.

That is, until I felt his child kick me in the stomach.

I let out a pained grunt when I felt the tiny blow. The entire length of my pregnancy so far had been the worst four months of my life. I had convinced myself it would be worth it, when I got to hold onto my baby and the tiny shred of something that he would inherit from his father.

"Miss Everdeen?" I heard a voice call. A woman's voice. I recognized it immediately. She was the doctor assigned to me. "Miss Everdeen, you should be in bed by now."

"I know," I said, my voice hoarse from lack of use. "I know I'm sorry. Just give me five more minutes."

The woman shook her head, and I noticed she had a soldier with her. "Come on, Miss Everdeen. Let's get you back to your room."

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