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Hey guys I just finished writing my Christmas story for this year, It's up, it's posted. It's relevent to this fanfic so I'm going to put a link here for y'all. I think you'll really like it. It's about Katniss and Finnick and they're Christmases apart. It talked about Finnick's self harm, and goes into depth about when he attempted suicide on Christmas, which is something I mentioned in past chapters. It also talks about Katniss's feelings about Finnick during the year that they were broken up, since she wrote lyrics for her song on Christmas Eve. It also talks briefly about their time in District 13, which I haven't gotten to yet in the actual story, but it doesn't really spoil anything. It's all stuff that could have happened in the books.

Anyway, that's all. have a great holiday, if you celebrate. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays!!

(check the comment i left for a working link^^^

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