32- Day 1

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Surprisingly, we made it quite far before we had another incident. Peeta still had issues walking, and leaned heavily on either Katniss or me for most of the time we were walking, and we had to take frequent rests. Katniss led the way, occasionally tossing nuts against the force field, to determine exactly where it was. Mags followed behind her on foot, nibbling on the now roasted nuts.

When Peeta first recovered, I had asked Katniss how she knew where the force field was. The three of us stared at her, curious for an answer. She simply looked at me, and I saw the brief panic flash across her face as she hurried to come up with an answer. I immediately understood. If there was a flaw in the game makers' system that she could clearly see, I didn't want her making it known so that they could fix it.

"You know what? It's alright. I don't think we need to know," I said finally. Katniss smiled. "As long as you can lead the way with minimal casualties."

Some time later, we heard another cannon. I let out a dry laugh, covering up my internal panic as I checked for Mags behind me. "I guess we aren't holding hands anymore," I said finally, pushing away my internal image of Johanna or Gloss or Cashmere lying on the ground, their heads detached from their bodies.

"Hilarious, Finnick," Katniss grumbled.

I turned to her, an eyebrow raised. "Thank you?" I sensed her sarcasm, but I felt that it wasn't due.

"Someone just died. Probably one of our friends."

I shook my head. "Every time that cannon goes off, it's music to my ears," I told her, not caring how I sounded. "Every time I hear it, it means you are one step closer to getting home, and saving our child."

She glared at me, but said nothing. She walked faster, pushing past me. I knew I was being harsh, but I also knew she was being dramatic.

So we continued walking for as long as we could, eventually collapsing in a small clearing with minimal rocks.

Mags set about weaving, her small, wrinkled hands flying through the long grass she had been collecting.

"If we don't find water, these are going to be some very short games," Katniss muttered, settling down next to me. We weren't touching. We were both too hot and sweaty for that.

Mags dropped a handful of grass in my lap. I glanced up at her. "What are we making?"

She mumbled something that sounded like 'meth'.

"Mats," I repeated. I wasn't nearly as fast as she was, but I could still weave a lot better than most people I knew. Katniss watched me with interest. Mags finished her first, and gave it to Peeta, who sat down on it, but didn't go to sleep.

Katniss finally stood up, gathering her bow and arrows. "I'm going to go hunting. I've seen a few animals climbing in the trees. If there's animals, there has to be water. It'll kill two birds with one stone."

"Do you need someone to go with you?" I asked her to be more polite than anything. As much as I would have liked to stay by her side for the whole time we spent in the arena, I knew she would never allow it.

Katniss gave me a pained look.

I grinned. "Alright, that's fine."

"Don't take offense or anything," She whispered to me. "Your feet are lighter than Peeta's." She read my expression. "I don't mind hunting with you, but I told Peeta that the reason I never let him come is because I prefer to go alone or with Gale."

I fought the smile on my face. We both knew the real reason was because he scared all the game away.

She returned sometime later with two animals in her hands, holding them by the arrows that pierced their eyes.

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